sennetconsortium / ingest-api

MIT License
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SenNet Data Ingest API

A restful web service exposing calls needed for the Portal UI Next.js application. The API is documented here.

Working with submodule

This repository relies on the ingest-validation-tools as a submodule for metadata validation. The file .gitmodules contains the configuration for the URL and specific branch of the submodule that is to be used. Once you already have cloned this repository and switched to the target branch, to load the latest ingest-validation-tools submodule:

git submodule update --init --remote

PyCharm configuration

Right click the src folder and select Mark directory as > sources root You should see the src folder turn blue

After completing the steps in the Working with submodule section, right click the src/submodules/ingest_validation_tools/src folder and select Mark directory as > sources root

Flask app configuration

This application is written in Flask and it includes an app.cfg.example file in the instance directory. Copy the file and rename it app.cfg and modify with the appropriate information.

Standalone local development

This assumes you are developing the code with the Flask development server and you have access to the remote neo4j database.

Generate the BUILD file

In the project root directory:


Install dependencies

Create a new Python 3.x virtual environment:

python3 -m venv venv-hm-ingest-api
source venv-hm-ingest-api/bin/activate

Upgrade pip:

python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip

Then install the dependencies with using the main branch code of commons:

export COMMONS_BRANCH=main
pip install -r requirements.txt

Start the server

Either methods below will run the search-api web service at http://localhost:5005. Choose one:

Directly via Python


With the Flask Development Server

cd src
export FLASK_ENV=development
python3 -m flask run -p 5000

Docker build for local/DEV development

There are a few configurable environment variables to keep in mind:

cd docker
./ [check|config|build|start|stop|down]

Docker build for deployment on TEST/STAGE/PROD

cd docker
./ [start|stop|down]

Development process

To release via TEST infrastructure

To work on features in the development environment before ready for testing and releasing

Updating API Documentation

The documentation for the API calls is hosted on SmartAPI. Modifying the ingest-api-spec.yaml file and commititng the changes to github should update the API shown on SmartAPI. SmartAPI allows users to register API documents. The documentation is associated with this github account: