senny / corner_stones

capybara building blocks for acceptance tests.
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Allow the user to use a custom-selector to get the delete-link #30

Closed bjoernbur closed 10 years ago

bjoernbur commented 11 years ago

Use the rails standard behaviour to get the delete-link of a row. But allow the user to override it.

bjoernbur commented 11 years ago

@senny Review please

I tried to allow the user to only override the delete_link-method but because RowMethod-functionality is directly extended in the build_row-method, I wasn't able to do so.

@stmichael had the idea to use the options of the table to define the selector.

senny commented 11 years ago

the commit message is not really accurate. Since the main change is to use a different selector than the possibility to use a custom selector. Also, could you write "closes #ISSUE" into the message so it will close the original issue?

bjoernbur commented 11 years ago

@senny Changed commit message...