senny / corner_stones

capybara building blocks for acceptance tests.
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Corner Stones

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assists you in building PageObjects to make your acceptance tests more object oriented.


$ gem install corner_stones

or in your Gemfile

gem 'corner_stones'


Require it in your test_helper.rb

require 'corner_stones/all'


a lot of examples can be found in the integration specs. Some features of corner_stones are listed below.


tabs ='.tab-navigation')'Details') # open a tab
tabs ='.tab-navigation')
tabs.extend(CornerStones::Tabs::ActiveTracking)'About') # open a tab and verify that the opened tab is active
tabs.assert_current_tab_is('Main') # verify that the tab 'Main' is active

Flash Messages

If you want use default messages (bootstrap 3, classes with .alert-success, .alert-info, .alert-warning, .alert-danger will be interpreted as a flash message).

flashes = CornerStones::FlashMessages.bootstrap3

If you use the bootstrap3 initializer the default ignore_selectors will be: [data-dismiss=alert], You can add some more using the ignore_selectors option

flashes = '.my-button-which-closes-the-alert')

If you use the default constructor it the message_types will be: .alert, .notice, .error

flashes =

If you want some custom selectors for the alerts you can call it like this

flashes = [:'.my-alert-class-good', :'.my-alert-class-attention'])

Ignore selectors are there for you to make your life easier if you want it to . You can define what should be ignored inside the alert to make sure you only get the message of the alert and not a close button or an icon if you have some other things inside your alert. Use css selectors to do so:

flashes = '.close-button')

To get all messages you can simply call (more likely to debug than testing, for testing use assert_flash_is_present)

flashes.messages # => {'alert-info': 'This is an Information'}

To directly assert if a message is present you can call

flashes.assert_flash_is_present(:'alert-info', 'This is an Information')


table ='.articles')
table.rows # returns an array of rows. Each row is represented as a row object.
table.row('Title' => 'Management') # returns the row object for the row with 'Management' in the 'Title' column

A row object has two primary methods: #node is a reference to the capybara node of the row and #attributes is a hash with the following structure: ({Table Header} => {Cell Value})

The following extensions are available for the Table:

table ='.articles')

table.row('Created at' => '01.12.2001').select # select the row, which has '01.12.2001' in the 'Created at' column
table.row('ID' => '9').delete # delete the row, which contains '9' in the 'ID' column
table.values('ID') # => ["1", "7", "9"]


form ='.new-article')
form.fill_in_with('Title' => 'Some Article', 'Author' => 'C. J.') # fill out the form
form.submit # submit the form using the 'Save' button
form.submit(button: 'Save Article') # submit the form using the 'Save Article' button

form.process(fill_in: { 'Title' => 'Some Article', 'Author' => 'C. J.'},
             button: 'Save Article') # fill out + submit
form ='.update-article')

form.attributes # hash of the whole form (key = Label/Fieldname, value = value (seen by the user) eg. {'Title' => 'Some Article', 'Author' => 'C. J.'}
form.errors # returns an Array of form errors
form.assert_has_no_errors # verify that the form was submitted correctly
form.submit # verifies that the form has no errors
form.submit(assert_valid: false) # do not veirfy that no errors were present


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