sensebox / sensebox-sketches

Microservice for compiling senseBox Wifi and Ethernet sketches
MIT License
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A container based compiler for senseBox Blockly sketches

Build Status


Build the container image

docker build -t sensebox/sensebox-sketches .

Then create a container

docker run --rm -it -p 3000:3000 sensebox/sensebox-sketches

You can now compile sketches through the exposed HTTP interface. Here is an example using curl

curl \
  --request POST \
  --header "Content-type: application/json" \
  --data '{"board":"sensebox-mcu", "sketch":"void setup() {\nSerial.begin(9600);\nSerial.println(\"Hello World\");\n}\nvoid loop() {}"}' \

And download the sketch using curl:

curl \
  --request GET \
  -O \
  -J \

You can also run the container image mutliple times. See Scaling with docker-compose


POST /compile

Possible board values are sensebox-mcu for the new senseBox MCU, sensebox for the old Arduino Uno based senseBox and sensebox-esp32s2 for the esp32s2 based MCU.

The sketch value should be a valid Arduino sketch.

Responses have a content-type: application/json header and contains the following response body:

    "message":"Sketch successfully compiled and created!",

The id is the identifier for your compiled sketch and must be used in the GET /download/:id route.

GET /download

Downloads a compiled sketch.


Responses have a content-type: application/octet-stream header and contain the compiled sketch in the response body.

It also have a Content-Disposition: attachment; filename:{filename}.bin|hex header to force download.

Scaling with docker-compose

Newer versions of docker allows to give the same alias to multiple containers in the same network. We exploit this to run multiple instances at the same time to balance load.

The repository contains a docker-compose.yml file which automatically assigns the compiler alias to all running containers.

Just start multiple instances using

docker-compose up -d --scale compiler=4

Then reference the containers by its compiler alias and multiple requests will be served by different containers.

In the container

Compiling senseBox MCU Sketches Examples

arduino-builder -hardware /arduino-ide/hardware -hardware /root/.arduino15/packages -tools /arduino-ide/tools-builder -tools /root/.arduino15/packages -libraries /arduino-ide/libraries -fqbn=sensebox:samd:sb:power=on -build-cache /arduino-ide/build-cache -build-path /arduino-ide/builds /root/.arduino15/packages/sensebox/hardware/samd/1.0.4/libraries/senseBox/examples/Blink/Blink.ino

Compiling for Arduino Uno

arduino-builder -hardware /arduino-ide/hardware -hardware /root/.arduino15/packages -tools /arduino-ide/tools-builder -tools /root/.arduino15/packages -libraries /arduino-ide/libraries -fqbn=arduino:avr:uno -build-cache /arduino-ide/build-cache -build-path /arduino-ide/builds /root/.arduino15/packages/sensebox/hardware/samd/1.0.4/libraries/senseBox/examples/Blink/Blink.ino