sensiblecodeio / custard

A platform for tools that do stuff with data
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OK Error: database file does not exist. #176

Closed rossjones closed 11 years ago

rossjones commented 11 years ago

I create a new Code in browser dataset, and I get to view the editor. Go back to homepage. Go back to Untitled dataset and I get the above error message.

frabcus commented 11 years ago

Hopefully changes to the tool menu will improve this so you can at least tell what is happening...

Out of interest, when would you expect it to go to the editor, and when to see your data as a table?

rossjones commented 11 years ago

Currently the tool takes me straight from the home page to the editor, I guess the drop-down with tools will be how I switch context between them. I think clicking on the tool on my dashboard should take me directly to the editor as it does currently, although perhaps there's an argument for remembering the last active tool on a dataset?

zarino commented 11 years ago

I have this funny feeling that people who write their own scrapers in the Code in Your Browser tool are slightly different to people who just use any other end-user "importer" tool to pull in data.

The coders are using ScraperWiki as a place to write code. The green boxes on the homepage, then, are little representations of code projects. And when they click them, they expect to see the code.

The other people use ScraperWiki as a place to analyse data. The green boxes on the homepage, then, are little representations of data projects. And when they click them, they expect to see the data (invariably in a table view).

@rossjones to answer your question, Custard shows you the data table view by default when you click on a dataset because that's what the majority of non-programmers expect. Remember, they haven't sweated blood and tears over the code, getting it to run, seeing the rows trickle in. They've clicked one or two buttons in the Twitter tool or the LinkedIn tool, and the data's appeared. The importing step, for them, was one-off and uninteresting. They're interested in the data. Alas, not everybody (eg: you) is in the same boat. So the UI either needs to detect what type of user you are, and change behaviour accordingly (noooooo) or it needs to make its decision clear to you and allow you to navigate elsewhere.

rossjones commented 11 years ago

@zarino I don't much care actually which it shows, had to think because I was worried that my use of classic was colouring my perception of what I would expect to see there. As long as the context switch is easy (and I can also launch the tool in a new tab) then it's all good :)

frabcus commented 11 years ago

Yeah - I think I expect last active tool.

On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 12:06:46AM -0700, Ross Jones wrote:

Currently the tool takes me straight from the home page to the editor, I guess the drop-down with tools will be how I switch context between them. I think clicking on the tool on my dashboard should take me directly to the editor as it does currently, although perhaps there's an argument for remembering the last active tool on a dataset?

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zarino commented 11 years ago

I have pushed a fix to so that it better handles datasets without any data (see this ticket's title: "OK Error: database file does not exist.").

Regarding the issue of expecting a different tool to be shown, I'm breaking that out into its own ticket: #182