sensiblecodeio / custard

A platform for tools that do stuff with data
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scraperwiki / custard

A platform for tools that do stuff with data.

Together with cobalt, custard powers the Sensible Code Company's QuickCode platform.

AGPL Licenced (see LICENCE file).

Initial setup (mongo, nvm)

 On Debian or Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install -y mongodb

You'll need a bunch of node stuff which we get using nvm:

curl | sh

nvm must be runnable, so add this line to your .profile:

. ~/.nvm/

start a new bash terminal (in order to get nvm which is a shell function)

nvm install 0.10

 On Mac OSX:

Install Node via nvm:

curl | sh
nvm install 0.10

Install Mongo via Homebrew:

brew install mongodb

Then on all platforms:

Clone this repo (inside ~/sw preferable) and from within the custard directory:

mkdir mongo
npm install pow-mongodb-fixtures -g
mongod --dbpath=mongo # might be running already

Alongside custard, you will need to git clone swops-secret

git clone blah blah blah

Automatically getting the correct environment with direnv

direnv can be used to automatically "activate" the environment when you enter the directory. Briefly:

# (install go and set up your GOPATH and PATH sensibly)
go get
go install

# append direnv setup to your bash profile
echo 'eval "$(direnv hook $0)"' >> ${HOME}/.bashrc

# Then cd to the custard directory and enable the .envrc with direnv:
:~$ cd sw/custard/
.envrc is not allowed

:~/sw/custard$ direnv allow
direnv: loading ~/sw/.envrc
connect-assets not found, please run npm install

The first time and then every now and then (npm updates)

# cd into the custard directory
. activate
npm install

Every time you need to develop custard

If you have foreman installed (try gem install foreman) you can go:

foreman start

If you don't have foreman installed you need to do a few things by hand:

# Start a web server (best done in a new window)
. activate # don't need to do this again if you've already done it in this terminal
cake dev

The cake dev above starts custard the web server. It's listening on a local port (usually 3001), so you should be able to visit localhost:3001 in a web browser.


We love them.

First, download Selenium Server and download and unzip Chromedriver, and put them in your custard directory or the next level up:

You need to unzip chromedriver, but not selenium.

If you're wondering about versions, right now we're having luck with:

Then start the Selenium server using cake se:

. activate && cake se

(this is a shortcut for running java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.*.0.jar

To run the tests:

. activate && cake dev       # runs a local webserver, as above

Or one of these:

mocha test/unit
mocha test/integration

Optional: running Selenium on a Windows machine

On the Windows machine

On your local machine

Optional: disabling startup services

You may wish to disable mongodb services from autostarting on boot when not developing custard.

(Tested on Ubuntu 12.04)

Disable mongo service:

echo "manual" | sudo tee /etc/init/mongodb.override

Enable mongo service:

sudo rm /etc/init/mongodb.override