sensu / sensu-puppet

Sensu Puppet module.
MIT License
165 stars 290 forks source link
alerting monitoring puppet ruby sensu


Table of Contents

  1. Module Description
  2. Setup - The basics of getting started with Sensu
  3. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  4. Reference
  5. Examples
  6. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  7. Development - Guide for contributing to the module
  8. License

Module description

Installs and manages Sensu Go, the open source monitoring framework.

Please note, that this is a Partner Supported module, which means that technical customer support for this module is solely provided by Sensu. Puppet does not provide support for any Partner Supported modules. Technical support for this module is provided by Sensu at

Documented with Puppet Strings

Puppet Strings documentation

Compatibility - supported Sensu versions

If not explicitly stated it should always support the latest Sensu release. Beginning with v5.0.0 this module will only support Sensu Go 6.0+. Please log an issue if you identify any incompatibilities.

Sensu Go Version Recommended Puppet Module Version
5.0 - 5.15 latest v3
5.16+ latest v4
6.0 v5.0.0
6.1+ v5.1.0+

Upgrade note

Sensu Go 5.x is a rewrite of Sensu and no longer depends on redis and rabbitmq. Version 3 of this module supports Sensu Go >= 5.0.0 to < 5.16.0. Version 4 of this module supports Sensu Go >= 5.16.0 < 6.0.0. Version 5.0.0 of this module supports Sensu Go >= 6.0.0 < 6.1.0. Version 5.1.0+ of this module supports Sensu Go >= 6.1.0 < 7.0.0.

Users wishing to use the previous Ruby based Sensu should use the sensu/sensuclassic module.

Updating this module from 4.x to 5.x

This module begins supporting Sensu Go 6 with version >= 5.0.0

NOTE Upgrading to support Sensu Go 6 requires backends have Puppet applied before agents will begin to work as there is an agent specifc Sensu user and role added to support modifying agent entities via the API.

Class parameter changes:

Type property changes:

Changes for backend

There is a manual step to perform to upgrade the sensu-backend after upgrading the backend to 6.x. This module provides the sensu::backend_upgrade bolt task as a way to execute the necessary sensu-backend upgrade command.

Changes for agents

Beginning with Sensu Go 6, some changes to agent.yml will only bootstrap an agent entity, they will not update the entity. If you wish to make changes to values such as subscriptions, labels or annotations after a host is added to Sensu this must be done via the Sensu Go API. To support this it's now required that agents have the ability to make API calls.

In order to ensure agents can make API calls either via API or sensuctl the agent must be told about the admin password and API host:

class { 'sensu':
  api_host                     => '',
  agent_entity_config_password => 'supersecret',
class { 'sensu::agent':

See API Providers for example Hiera that can be used in a file like common.yaml to easily share the admin password with agents.

This module will still continue to write subscriptions and other agent configurations to agent.yml so that if an agent entity is deleted it can be recreated by restarting the sensu-agent service.

Beginning with Sensu Go 6.2.0 you can go back to making agent.yml the authoritative source for an agent's config by setting sensu::agent::agent_managed_entity to true.

Updating this module from 3.x to 4.x

Class parameter changes:

Type property changes:

Breaking changes:


What sensu affects

This module will install packages, create configuration and start services necessary to manage Sensu agents and backend.

Setup requirements

Plugin sync is required if the custom sensu types and providers are used.

Soft module dependencies

For systems using apt:

For systems using yum and Puppet >= 6.0.0:

For Windows:

Beginning with Sensu

This module provides Vagrant definitions that can be used to get started with Sensu.

vagrant up sensu-backend
vagrant ssh sensu-backend

Beginning with a Sensu cluster

Multiple Vagrant boxes are available for testing a sensu-backend cluster.

vagrant up sensu-backend-peer1 sensu-backend-peer2
vagrant provision sensu-backend-peer1 sensu-backend-peer2

Beginning with a Sensu federated cluster

Multiple Vagrant boxes are available for testing a Sensu Go federated cluster. First build and provision both then provision the first a second time to view that the custom role was replicated.

vagrant up sensu-backend-federated1 sensu-backend-federated2
vagrant provision sensu-backend-federated1

The provision command should output from sensuctl the test Sensu Go Role that was created on the other backend. The output should look like the following:

    sensu-backend-federated1:   Name   Namespace   Rules  
    sensu-backend-federated1:  ────── ─────────── ─────── 
    sensu-backend-federated1:   test   default         1  


Location of Resources

Sensu Go is designed to have resources like checks and assets defined on the backend host. For Puppet this means that the simplest configuration will be one where checks and other resources are defined on the host using sensu::backend class. Hosts with only the sensu::agent class do not need to have checks defined on them, rather just have to have a subscription assigned that matches a check.

Basic Sensu backend

The following example will configure sensu-backend, sensu-agent on backend and add a check. By default this module will configure the backend to use Puppet's SSL certificate and CA. It is advisable to not rely on the default password. NOTE When changing the password value, it's necessary to run Puppet on the backend first to update the admin password.

  class { 'sensu':
    password => 'supersecret',
  include sensu::backend
  include sensu::agent
  sensu_check { 'check-cpu':
    ensure        => 'present',
    command       => ' -w 75 -c 90',
    interval      => 60,
    subscriptions => ['linux'],

Basic Sensu agent

The following example will manage resources necessary to configure a sensu-agent to communicate with a sensu-backend and associated to linux and apache-servers subscriptions.

  class { 'sensu':
    api_host                     => '',
    agent_entity_config_password => 'supersecret',
  class { 'sensu::agent':
    backends      => [''],
    subscriptions => ['linux', 'apache-servers'],

Basic Sensu CLI

The following example will manage the resources necessary to use sensuctl.

class { 'sensu':
  api_host => '',
  password => 'supersecret',
include sensu::cli

NOTE: The sensu::backend class calls the sensu::cli class so it is only necessary to directly call the sensu::cli class on hosts not using the sensu::backend class.

For Windows the install_source parameter must be provided:

class { 'sensu':
  api_host => '',
  password => 'supersecret',
class { 'sensu::cli':
  install_source => '',

API Providers

All the core resources have a provider that manages resources using the Sensu Go API. The new provider can be used by setting provider parameter on a resource to sensu_api. The default provider is still sensuctl but it's possible to change the provider when defining a resource. For example the following will create a check which can be defined on an host that's not the sensu-backend.

include ::sensu::api
sensu_check { "check-cpu-${facts['hostname']}":
  ensure        => 'present',
  command       => ' -w 75 -c 90',
  interval      => 60,
  subscriptions => ["entity:${facts['hostname']}"],
  provider      => 'sensu_api',

The sensu::api class is required in order to configure the credentials and URL used to communicate with the Sensu backend API.

The API URL, username and password used for the API are set in the sensu class and can be set easily with Hiera:

sensu::api_port: 8080
sensu::username: admin
sensu::password: supersecret
sensu::agent_entity_config_password: supersecret

Manage Windows Agent

This module supports Windows Sensu Go agent via chocolatey beginning with version 5.12.0.

class { 'sensu':
  api_host                     => '',
  agent_entity_config_password => 'supersecret',
class { 'sensu::agent':
  backends      => [''],
  subscriptions => ['windows'],

If you do not wish to install using chocolatey then you must define package_source as either a URL, a Puppet source or a filesystem path.

Install sensu-go-agent on Windows from URL:

class { 'sensu::agent':
  package_name   => 'Sensu Agent',
  package_source => '',

Install sensu-go-agent on Windows from Puppet source:

class { 'sensu::agent':
  package_name   => 'Sensu Agent',
  package_source => 'puppet:///modules/profile/sensu/sensu-go-agent.msi',

If a system already has the necessary MSI present it can be installed without downloading from an URL:

class { 'sensu::agent':
  package_name   => 'Sensu Agent',
  package_source => 'C:\Temp\sensu-go-agent.msi',

Advanced agent

If you wish to have the agent.yml be authoritative for agent entity configs:

class { 'sensu::agent':
  agent_managed_entity  => true,

If you wish to change the agent password you must provide the new and old password. It is advisable to set show_diff to false to avoid exposing the agent password.

class { 'sensu':
  agent_password => 'supersecret',
class { 'sensu::agent':
  show_diff => false,

The config_hash parameter allows custom configuration for agent.yml outside the sensu::agent class parameters.

class { 'sensu::agent':
  config_hash => {
    'log-level' => 'debug',

The following parameters in sensu::agent class are used to populate agent.yml:

Agent configurations can also be set via sensu::agent::config_entry. See Advanced agent - Custom config entries.

Advanced agent - Subscriptions

It is possible to define subscriptions in many locations and the values merged into agent.yml:

class { 'sensu::agent':
  subscriptions => ['base'],

Then in a profile class for Apache you could define the following:

sensu::agent::subscription { 'apache': }

The resulting agent.yml would contain subscriptions for both base and apache.

NOTE: Subscriptions defined using the sensu::agent class and sensu::agent::subscription are merged to produce the final subscription array.

Advanced agent - Annotations and Labels

It is possible to define annotations and labels in many locations and the values merged into agent.yml:

class { 'sensu::agent':
  labels      => { 'location' => 'uswest', 'contacts' => '' },
  annotations => { 'cpu.warning' => '90', 'cpu.critical' => '100' },

Then in a profile class you can define the following:

sensu::agent::label { 'contacts': value => '' }
sensu::agent::label { 'environment': value => 'dev' }
sensu::agent::annotation { 'cpu.warning': value => '75' }
sensu::agent::annotation { 'fatigue_check/occurrences': value => '2' }

The resulting agent.yml will contain the following:

  location: uswest
  environment: dev
  cpu.warning: '75'
  cpu.critical: '100'
  fatigue_check/occurrences: '2'

NOTE sensu::agent::annotation and sensu::agent::label take precedence over values set by the class sensu::agent

If you wish to redact a label or annotation you can use the redact parameter and the key will be added to the redact list in agent.yml:

sensu::agent::label { 'secret':
  value  => 'mysecret',
  redact => true,
sensu::agent::annotation { 'ec2_access_key':
  value  => 'some-key',
  redact => true,

Advanced agent - Disable validations

In some cases it might be desired to disable API and entity validations when agents are managing their own entity.

class { 'sensu':
  validate_api => false,
class { 'sensu::agent':
  agent_managed_entity => true,
  validate_entity      => false,

Advanced agent - Custom config entries

It is possible to define config entries for agent.yml in many locations in Puppet:

sensu::agent::config_entry { 'keepalive-interval': value => 20 }

This would add the following to agent.yml:

keepalive-interval: 20

NOTE sensu::agent::config_entry takes precendence over values defined in sensu::agent class.

Advanced SSL

By default this module uses Puppet's SSL certificates and CA. If you would prefer to use different certificates override the ssl_ca_source, ssl_cert_source and ssl_key_source parameters. The value for api_host must be valid for the provided certificate and the value used for agent's backends must also match the certificate used by the specified backend. If the certificates and keys are already installed then define the source parameters as filesystem paths.

class { 'sensu':
  ssl_ca_source => 'puppet:///modules/profile/sensu/ca.pem',
  api_host      => '',
class { 'sensu::backend':
  ssl_cert_source => 'puppet:///modules/profile/sensu/cert.pem',
  ssl_key_source  => 'puppet:///modules/profile/sensu/key.pem',
class { 'sensu':
  ssl_ca_source => 'puppet:///modules/profile/sensu/ca.pem',
class { 'sensu::agent':
  backends      => [''],
  subscriptions => ['linux', 'apache-servers'],

To disable SSL support:

class { 'sensu':
  use_ssl => false,

Enterprise Support

In order to activate enterprise support the license file needs to be added:

class { 'sensu::backend':
  license_source => 'puppet:///modules/profile/sensu/license.json',

The types sensu_ad_auth and sensu_ldap_auth require a valid enterprise license.

Contact routing

See Sensu Go - Route alerts with event filters for details. The following is one way to configure contact routing in Puppet.

Add the sensu-go-has-contact-filter bonsai asset:

sensu_bonsai_asset { 'sensu/sensu-go-has-contact-filter':
  ensure  => 'present',
  version => '0.2.0',

Add the filters for the defined contacts

sensu_filter { 'contact_dev':
  ensure         => 'present',
  action         => 'allow',
  runtime_assets => ['sensu/sensu-go-has-contact-filter'],
  expressions    => ['has_contact(event, "dev")'],
sensu_filter { 'contact_ops':
  ensure         => 'present',
  action         => 'allow',
  runtime_assets => ['sensu/sensu-go-has-contact-filter'],
  expressions    => ['has_contact(event, "ops")'],

Add the handlers asset and handlers for each contact

sensu_bonsai_asset { 'sensu/sensu-email-handler':
  ensure  => 'present',
  version => '0.2.0',
sensu_handler { 'email_dev':
  ensure          => 'present',
  type            => 'pipe',
  command         => 'sensu-email-handler -f root@localhost -t -s localhost -i',
  timeout         => 10,
  runtime_assets  => ['sensu/sensu-email-handler'],
  filters         => ['is_incident','not_silenced','contact_dev'],
sensu_handler { 'email_ops':
  ensure          => 'present',
  type            => 'pipe',
  command         => 'sensu-email-handler -f root@localhost -t -s localhost -i',
  timeout         => 10,
  runtime_assets  => ['sensu/sensu-email-handler'],
  filters         => ['is_incident','not_silenced','contact_ops'],

Create a handler set to centralize handler management for emails

sensu_handler { 'email':
  ensure    => 'present',
  type      => 'set',
  handlers  => ['email_dev','email_ops'],

Lastly define a service that use the contact and the email handler:

sensu_check { 'check_cpu':
  ensure         => 'present',
  labels         => {
    'contacts' => 'dev, ops',
  command        => 'check-cpu.rb -w 75 -c 90',
  handlers       => ['email'],
  interval       => 30,
  publish        => true,
  subscriptions  => ['linux'],
  runtime_assets => ['sensu-plugins-cpu-checks','sensu-ruby-runtime'],

Agents can also have contacts defined:

class { 'sensu::agent':
  labels => {
    'contacts' => 'dev, ops',

PostgreSQL datastore support

NOTE: This features require a valid Sensu Go enterprise license.

The following example will add a PostgreSQL server and database to the sensu-backend host and configure Sensu Go to use PostgreSQL as the event datastore.

class { 'postgresql::globals':
  manage_package_repo => true,
  version             => '11',
class { 'postgresql::server': }
class { 'sensu::backend':
  license_source      => 'puppet:///modules/profile/sensu/license.json',
  datastore           => 'postgresql',
  postgresql_password => 'secret',

Refer to the puppetlabs/postgresql module documentation for details on how to manage PostgreSQL with Puppet.

The following example uses an external PostgreSQL server.

class { 'sensu::backend':
  license_source       => 'puppet:///modules/profile/sensu/license.json',
  datastore            => 'postgresql',
  postgresql_password  => 'secret',
  postgresql_host      => '',
  manage_postgresql_db => false,

NOTE Set postgresql_password to false if you want the DSN to only contain a username.

Installing Plugins

Plugin management is handled by the sensu::plugins class.

Example installing plugins on agent:

  class { 'sensu::agent':
    backends      => [''],
    subscriptions => ['linux', 'apache-servers'],
  class { 'sensu::plugins':
    plugins => ['disk-checks'],

The plugins parameter can also be a Hash that sets the version:

  class { 'sensu::agent':
    backends      => [''],
    subscriptions => ['linux', 'apache-servers'],
  class { 'sensu::plugins':
    plugins => {
      'disk-checks' => { 'version' => 'latest' },

Set dependencies to an empty Array to disable the sensu::plugins dependency management.

  class { 'sensu::plugins':
    dependencies => [],

If gems are required and not pulled in as gem dependencies they can also be installed.

class { 'sensu::plugins':
  plugins          => ['memory-checks'],
  gem_dependencies => ['vmstat'],

You can uninstall plugins by passing ensure as absent.

  class { 'sensu::agent':
    backends      => [''],
    subscriptions => ['linux', 'apache-servers'],
  class { 'sensu::plugins':
    plugins => {
      'disk-checks' => { 'ensure' => 'absent' },

Installing Extensions

Extension management is handled by the sensu::plugins class.

Example installing extension on backend:

  class { 'sensu':
    password => 'supersecret',
  include sensu::backend
  class { 'sensu::plugins':
    extensions => ['graphite'],

The extensions parameter can also be a Hash that sets the version:

  class { 'sensu':
    password => 'supersecret',
  include sensu::backend
  class { 'sensu::plugins':
    extensions => {
      'graphite' => { 'version' => 'latest' },

You can uninstall extensions by passing ensure as absent.

  class { 'sensu':
    password => 'supersecret',
  include sensu::backend
  class { 'sensu::plugins':
    extensions => {
      'graphite' => { 'ensure' => 'absent' },

Exported resources

One possible approach to defining checks is having agents export their checks to the sensu-backend using Exported Resources.

The following example would be defined for agents:

  @@sensu_check { 'check-cpu':
    ensure        => 'present',
    command       => ' -w 75 -c 90',
    interval      => 60,
    subscriptions => ['linux'],

The backend system would collect all sensu_check resources.

  Sensu_check <<||>>

Hiera resources

All the types provided by this module can have their resources defined via Hiera. A type such as sensu_check would be defined via sensu::resources::checks.

The sensu class must be included either directly or via sensu::agent or sensu::backend.

The following example adds an asset, filter, handler and checks via Hiera:

    ensure: present
    url: ''
    sha512: '755c7a673d94997ab9613ec5969666e808f8b4a8eec1ba998ee7071606c96946ca2947de5189b24ac34a962713d156619453ff7ea43c95dae62bf0fcbe766f2e'
      - "entity.system.os == 'linux'"
      - "entity.system.arch == 'amd64'"
    ensure: present
    action: allow
      - 'event.check.occurrences == 1 || event.check.occurrences % (3600 / event.check.interval) == 0'
    ensure: present
    type: pipe
    command: "sensu-email-handler -f root@localhost -t -s localhost -i"
    timeout: 10
      - sensu-email-handler
      - is_incident
      - not_silenced
      - hourly
    ensure: present
    command: -w 75 -c 90
    interval: 60
      - linux
      - email
    publish: true
    ensure: present
    command: "/opt/sensu-plugins-ruby/embedded/bin/check-disk-usage.rb -t '(xfs|ext4)'"
      - linux
      - email
    interval: 1800
    publish: true

Resource purging

All the types provided by this module support purging except sensu_config. This example will remove all unmanaged Sensu checks:

sensu_resources { 'sensu_check':
  purge => true,

To selectively purge sensu_agent_entity_config entries, you can specify the type of config to purge. If agent_entity_configs is omitted then all unmanaged sensu_agent_entity_config resources will be purged. The following example will only purge subscriptions:

sensu_resources { 'sensu_agent_entity_config':
  purge                => true,
  agent_entity_configs => ['subscriptions'],

NOTE: The Puppet built-in resources can also be used for purging but you must ensure that resources that support namespaces are defined using composite names in the form of $name in $namespace. See Composite Names for Namespaces for details on composite names.

Using the Puppet built-in resources would look like this:

resources { 'sensu_check':
  purge => true,

Sensu backend cluster

A sensu-backend cluster can be defined for fresh installs by defining the necessary config_hash values. The following examples are using Hiera and assume the sensu::backend class is included.

# data/fqdn/
  etcd-advertise-client-urls: "http://%{facts.ipaddress}:2379"
  etcd-listen-client-urls: "http://%{facts.ipaddress}:2379"
  etcd-listen-peer-urls: ''
  etcd-initial-cluster: 'backend1=,backend2='
  etcd-initial-advertise-peer-urls: "http://%{facts.ipaddress}:2380"
  etcd-initial-cluster-state: 'new'
  etcd-initial-cluster-token: ''
  etcd-name: 'backend1'
# data/fqdn/
  etcd-advertise-client-urls: "http://%{facts.ipaddress}:2379"
  etcd-listen-client-urls: "http://%{facts.ipaddress}:2379"
  etcd-listen-peer-urls: ''
  etcd-initial-cluster: 'backend1=,backend2='
  etcd-initial-advertise-peer-urls: "http://%{facts.ipaddress}:2380"
  etcd-initial-cluster-state: 'new'
  etcd-initial-cluster-token: ''
  etcd-name: 'backend2'

Adding backend members to an existing cluster

Adding new members to an existing cluster requires two steps.

First, add the member to the catalog on one of the existing cluster backends with the sensu_cluster_member type.

sensu_cluster_member { 'backend3':
  peer_urls => [''],

Second, configure and start sensu-backend to interact with the existing cluster. The output from Puppet when a new sensu_cluster_member is applied will print some of the values needed.

# data/fqdn/
  etcd-advertise-client-urls: "http://%{facts.ipaddress}:2379"
  etcd-listen-client-urls: "http://%{facts.ipaddress}:2379"
  etcd-listen-peer-urls: ''
  etcd-initial-cluster: 'backend1=,backend2=,backend3='
  etcd-initial-advertise-peer-urls: "http://%{facts.ipaddress}:2380"
  etcd-initial-cluster-state: 'existing'
  etcd-initial-cluster-token: ''
  etcd-name: 'backend3'

The first step will not fully add the node to the cluster until the second step is performed.

Sensu backend federation

This module supports defining Etcd replicators which allows resources to be sent from one Sensu cluster to another cluster. It is necessary that Etcd be listening on an interface that can be accessed by other Sensu backends. First configure backend Etcd to listen on an interface besides localhost and also use SSL:

class { 'sensu::backend':
  config_hash => {
    'etcd-listen-client-urls'    => "",
    'etcd-advertise-client-urls' => "",
    'etcd-cert-file'             => "/etc/sensu/etcd-ssl/${facts['fqdn'].pem",
    'etcd-key-file'              => "/etc/sensu/etcd-ssl/${facts['fqdn']}-key.pem",
    'etcd-trusted-ca-file'       => "/etc/sensu/etcd-ssl/ca.pem",
    'etcd-client-cert-auth'      => true,

Next configure the Etcd replicator on the backend you wish to push resources from. In the following example all defined Role resources will be replicated to the backend at the IP address

sensu_etcd_replicator { 'role_replicator':
  ensure        => 'present',
  ca_cert       => '/etc/sensu/etcd-ssl/ca.pem',
  cert          => '/etc/sensu/etcd-ssl/client.pem',
  key           => '/etc/sensu/etcd-ssl/client-key.pem',
  url           => '',
  resource_name => 'Role',
sensu_role { 'test':
  ensure => 'present',
  rules  => [{'verbs' => ['get','list'], 'resources' => ['checks'], 'resource_names' => ['']}],

This module also supports defining a federated cluster:

sensu_cluster_federation { 'us-west-2a':
  ensure   => 'present',
  api_urls => [

It is also possible to add a backend to an existing Sensu federated cluster. The following example adds the API URL to the federated cluster named us-west-2a.

sensu_cluster_federation_member { ' in us-west-2a':
  ensure => 'present',

The above can also be defined using the following example:

sensu_cluster_federation_member { '':
  ensure  => 'present',
  cluster => 'us-west-2a',

Large Environment Considerations

If the backend system has a large number of resources it may be necessary to query resources using chunk size added in Sensu Go 5.8.

class { 'sensu::backend':
  sensuctl_chunk_size => 100,

If many thousands of resources such as sensu_check are defined there will be an execution of sensuctl namespace list for each check to validate the namespace exists if the namespace is not defined in Puppet. A similar validation is performed with sensu_api provider. To avoid this extra overhead it may be necessary to disable this validation if you are defining namespaces outside of Puppet.

NOTE: If namespace validation is disabled it's necessary to ensure a namespace is defined in Puppet in order to assign resources to that namespace.

class { 'sensu':
  validate_namespaces => false,

Composite Names for Namespaces

All resources that support having a namespace also support a composite name to define the namespace.

For example, the sensu_check with name check-cpu in team1 would be named check-cpu and put into the team1 namespace.

Using composite names is necessary if you wish to have multiple resources with the same name but in different namespaces.

For example to define the same check in two namespaces using the same check name:

sensu_check { 'check-cpu in default':
  ensure        => 'present',
  command       => ' -w 75 -c 90',
  interval      => 60,
  subscriptions => ['linux'],
sensu_check { 'check-cpu in team1':
  ensure        => 'present',
  command       => ' -w 75 -c 90',
  interval      => 60,
  subscriptions => ['linux'],

The example above would add the check-cpu check to both the default and team1 namespaces.

NOTE: If you use composite names for namespaces, the namespace property takes precedence.

Installing Bonsai Assets

Install a bonsai asset. The latest version will be installed but not automatically upgraded.

sensu_bonsai_asset { 'sensu/sensu-pagerduty-handler':
  ensure  => 'present',

Install specific version of a bonsai asset.

sensu_bonsai_asset { 'sensu/sensu-pagerduty-handler':
  ensure  => 'present',
  version => '1.2.0',

Install latest version of a bonsai asset. Puppet will update the Bonsai asset if a new version is released.

sensu_bonsai_asset { 'sensu/sensu-pagerduty-handler':
  ensure  => 'present',
  version => 'latest',

Bolt Tasks

The following Bolt tasks are provided by this Module:

sensu::backend_upgrade: Perform backend upgrade via sensu-backend upgrade command.

Example: bolt task run sensu::backend_upgrade --targets sensu_backend

sensu::agent_event: Create a Sensu Go agent event via the agent API

Example: bolt task run sensu::agent_event name=bolttest status=1 output=test --targets sensu_agent

sensu::apikey: Manage Sensu Go API keys

Example: bolt task run sensu::apikey action=create username=foobar --targets sensu_backend Example: bolt task run sensu::apikey action=list --targets sensu_backend Example: bolt task run sensu::apikey action=delete key=replace-with-uuid-key --targets sensu_backend

sensu::assets_outdated: Retreive outdated Sensu Go assets

Example: bolt task run sensu::assets_outdated --targets sensu_backend

sensu::check_execute: Execute a Sensu Go check

Example: bolt task run sensu::check_execute check=test subscription=entity:sensu_agent --targets sensu_backend

sensu::event.json: Manage Sensu Go events

Example: bolt task run sensu::event action=resolve entity=sensu_agent check=test --targets sensu_backend

Example: bolt task run sensu::event action=delete entity=sensu_agent check=test --targets sensu_backend

sensu::silenced: Manage Sensu Go silencings

Example: bolt task run sensu::silenced action=create subscription=entity:sensu_agent expire_on_resolve=true --targets sensu_backend

Example: bolt task run sensu::silenced action=delete subscription=entity:sensu_agent --targets sensu_backend

sensu::install_agent: Install Sensu Go agent (Windows and Linux)

Example: bolt task run sensu::install_agent backend=sensu_backend:8081 subscription=linux output=true --targets linux

Example: bolt task run sensu::install_agent backend=sensu_backend:8081 subscription=windows output=true --targets windows

Bolt Inventory

This module provides a plugin to populate Bolt v2 inventory targets.

In order to use the sensu inventory plugin the host executing Bolt must have sensuctl configured, see Basic Sensu CLI.

Example of configuring the Bolt inventory with two groups. The linux group pulls Sensu Go entities in the default namespace with the linux subscription. The linux-qa group is the same as linux group but instead pulling entities from the qa namespace.

version: 2
  - name: linux
      - _plugin: sensu
        namespace: default
        subscription: linux
  - name: linux-qa
      - _plugin: sensu
        namespace: qa
        subscription: linux

If your entities have more than one network interface it may be necessary to specify the order of interfaces to search when looking for the IP address:

version: 2
  - name: linux
      - _plugin: sensu
        namespace: default
        subscription: linux
          - eth0
          - eth1

The following rules for interface matching determine the value used for uri.

  1. If interface_list was defined then find first match
  2. If interface_list not defined and only one interface, use that as ipaddress
  3. If interface_list is not defined and more than one interface, use name




The sensu_agent fact returns the Sensu agent version information by the sensu-agent binary.

facter -p sensu_agent
  version => "5.1.0",
  build => "b2ea9fcdb21e236e6e9a7de12225a6d90c786c57",
  built => "2018-12-18T21:31:11+0000"


The sensu_backend fact returns the Sensu backend version information by the sensu-backend binary.

facter -p sensu_backend
  version => "5.1.0",
  build => "b2ea9fcdb21e236e6e9a7de12225a6d90c786c57",
  built => "2018-12-18T21:31:11+0000"


The sensuctl fact returns the sensuctl version information by the sensuctl binary.

facter -p sensuctl
  version => "5.1.0",
  build => "b2ea9fcdb21e236e6e9a7de12225a6d90c786c57",
  built => "2018-12-18T21:31:11+0000"


Examples can be found in the examples directory.


Changing sensu::etc_dir is only supported on systems using systemd.

The type sensu_user does not at this time support ensure => absent due to a limitation with sensuctl, see sensu-go#2540.

When changing the sensu::password value, it's necessary to run Puppet on the backend first to update the admin password.

Notes regarding support

This module is built for use with Puppet versions 6 and 7 and the ruby versions associated with those releases. See .travis.yml for an exact matrix of Puppet releases and ruby versions.

This module targets the latest release of the current major Puppet version and the previous major version. Platform support will be removed when a platform is no longer supported by Puppet, Sensu or the platform maintainer has signaled that it is end of life (EOL).

Though Amazon does not announce end of life (EOL) for its releases, it does encourage you to use the latest releases. This module will support the current release and the previous release. Since AWS does not release Vagrant boxes and the intent of those platforms is to run in AWS, we will not maintain Vagrant systems for local development for Amazon Linux.

Supported Platforms




See LICENSE file.