Sometime this morning (or last night, not sure) the handleJoinRequest script stopped working. When provided with a username, even if that person has sent a request, it fails to accept them. I did some testing on my own and narrowed it down to line 20 of handleJoinRequest.js of roblox-js, in the getId() function. Using this returns a length of 0 for some reason:
var t = parser.load(body);var found = t('#JoinRequestsList').find('td');var len = found.length;
Since it returns a length of 0, it returns false. Now, I'm no expert, but I'm assuming it's supposed to be returning a length of greater than zero, especially when I have about 20 join requests.
If there's anything you could do, I'd be very grateful. Thanks.
Sometime this morning (or last night, not sure) the handleJoinRequest script stopped working. When provided with a username, even if that person has sent a request, it fails to accept them. I did some testing on my own and narrowed it down to line 20 of handleJoinRequest.js of roblox-js, in the getId() function. Using this returns a length of 0 for some reason:
var t = parser.load(body);
var found = t('#JoinRequestsList').find('td');
var len = found.length;
Since it returns a length of 0, it returns false. Now, I'm no expert, but I'm assuming it's supposed to be returning a length of greater than zero, especially when I have about 20 join requests.
If there's anything you could do, I'd be very grateful. Thanks.