sentinel-energy / friendly_data

Data format to interoperate between models and frameworks
Apache License 2.0
11 stars 3 forks source link
analysis datapackage python tabular-data

Frictionless Energy data - Friendly data

|unittests| |coverage| |docs|

A frictionless data package implementation for energy data; maintained by the SENTINEL collaboration.

This package provides a Python API and CLI utilities to read/write and manage Energy (systems) data as a frictionless data package. The Python API includes easy conversion to and from standard Python data structures common in data analysis; e.g. pandas.DataFrame, xarray.DataArray, xarray.Dataset, etc.

It introduces energy modelling terminology by relying on an external (but loosely coupled) registry that collates commonly used variables and associated metadata. If someone outside of the energy modelling community wants to make use this package, it should be relatively striaghtforward to point to a different registry while continuing to use the same workflow. Read more in the documentation.

.. _frictionless:

.. _SENTINEL collaboration:

.. _registry:

.. _documentation:

.. |unittests| image:: :target:

.. |coverage| image:: :target:

.. |docs| image:: :target:


You can install (or update) the package with pip::

$ pip install [-U] friendly-data

As the registry is coupled loosely, so that it can be updated much faster. This will accomodate to an evolving data vocabulary of the community. So it is recommended to update the registry regularly, eventhough you might not want to update the main package. You can do this with::

$ pip install -U friendly-data-registry

If your workflow also includes converting your data packages into IAMC format, you will need the optional dependencies; which can be installed at any time like this (leaving out the -U will not upgrade the main package)::

$ pip install [-U] friendly-data[extras]