sepehrn0107 / GymTracker

Application to track workouts
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Application to track workouts Note: This application is intented to be mobile first application. A client made with Flutter is being developed:


Getting Started

navigate to backend folder and run following command to install needed dependencies and run server:

npm install && npm run dev

note: This project uses mongodb Atlas. in order to connect to database, developers need to be added to database. contact repo owner

Project Structure


This project utilizes dotenv in order to manage secrets to avoid hard coding. for backend, the .env file should be in backend folder with these variables. Note: SMTP is currently implemented with personal email



Get started developing

This sections describes how to create a new model, interface, CRUD operations & API endpoint.

Model & Interface (src/model & src/interface)

Create a model. This will be a model in the database describing how the data is structured. Each schema maps to a MongoDB collection and defines the shape of the documents within that collection.

const exampleSchema = new Schema<IExample>({
    name: {
        type: String,
export default model<IExample>('Example', exampleSchema)

In order to utilize Typescript, each model should use an Interface to define the values and types. Interface should be declared in src/interface. the naming convention is model.interface.ts.

export interface IExample extends Document {
    name: string,

Services (src/services)

Services provide CRUD operations to the model and exports these functions to be used in the application.

export async function createExample(userData: Partial<IExample>) {
    try {
        const result = await ExampleModel.create(userdata);
        return {data: null, success: true}
    } catch (error) {
        return{data: null, success: false, error}

Validation (src/validation)

in order to validate incoming data, zod ( Zod ensures all user data adheres to the defined rules, helping catch bugs and potential issues before they become critical. validation can be found under src/validation. follow auth.validation.ts style

export const createExampleSchema = object({
    body: object({
        name: string({ required_error: "name is required" })
export type registerExampleInput = TypeOf<typeof createExampleSchema>["body"]

Controller (src/controller)

Main function of controllers are to handle requests from client. controllers use CRUD operations from Services to create functions to be used in endpoints. API call functions are declared in src/controller. This file handles what each endpoint does. keep a similar file structure: src/controller/example/examplecontroller.ts

//@desc signup
//@method POST
//@access public
export const registerExample = asyncHandler(async (req: Request<object, object, registerExampleInput>, res: Response) => {
    const { name } = req.body
    await createExample({
    res.status(201).json({ success: true, message: 'created new Example'});

Create an endpoint in src/api/example/example.api.ts

import exampleSchema and example from validation and controller files to index.api. remember to add add AuthJWT if user is needed for this endpoint


Note: Swagger is being implemented WIP to structure API documentation



"email"  :  "",

"password"  :  "examplePassword1234",

"confirmPassword"  :  "examplePassword1234",

"name"  :  "exampleName"
response: {"success": "true", "message": "Verification code sent to email"}

check ur email for OTP code. Currently, OTP code is also printed with the success message.


"OTPCode"  :  "xxxxxx"  ,
"email"  :  ""
response: { "message":  "Verified successfully","success":  true }


    "email":  "",
    "success":  true,
    "user":  {
    "_id":  "6704378e2011208abea1dfea",
    "email":  "",
    "name":  "exampleName",
    "isActive":  true,
    "createdAt":  "2024-10-07T19:33:34.627Z",
    "updatedAt":  "2024-10-07T19:33:52.453Z",
    "__v":  0},
    "message":  "Logged in successfully",
    "accessToken":  "bearer token" }

Accesstoken is required from here to make api calls that require authentication. provide this token as header. if you are using Postman, set Auth Type to Bearer Token and provide the given token from this API call



"name": "ExampleName",
"description": "ExampleDescription",
"parent": "", // allowed to be empty
"children": "" // empty upon creation
response: {"success": "true", "message": "TargetArea created successfully"}



"name": "",
"description": "",
"targetAreaId": "",
"activityType": ""

Accesstoken is required to make api calls that require authentication. provide this token as header. if you are using Postman, set Auth Type to Bearer Token and provide the given token from this API call. all fields are required


"exerciseId": "",
"name": "",
"description": "",
"targetAreaId": "",
"activityType": ""

Accesstoken is required to make api calls that require authentication. provide this token as header. if you are using Postman, set Auth Type to Bearer Token and provide the given token from this API call. exerciseId is required, rest is optional


"exercises": [
    "exerciseId": "670707280f24f2f57a92b6f1",
    "sets": [
        "reps": 10,
        "weight": 50,
        "duration": 30,
        "restTime": 60,
        "rpe": 7.5
        "reps": 8,
        "weight": 40,
        "rpe": 6
    "notes": "Good session on arms."
    "exerciseId": "670707280f24f2f57a92b6f1",
    "sets": [
        "reps": 12,
        "weight": 30,
        "rpe": 8
    "notes": "Felt strong."
"totalDuration": 90,
"notes": "Great workout overall!"

exercises are passed as an array inside exercises, with exerciseId as the first element, followed by sets. sets are collected in an array, with sets[0] being the first set, etc. each exercise must have a valid exerciseId, and at least one set