sepkamal / STAT545-hw-Kamal-Sepehr

Homework repo for STAT 545
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Hw10 is ready for grading! #10

Open sepkamal opened 6 years ago

sepkamal commented 6 years ago

wswade2 commented 6 years ago

Hi sepkamal,

Good job on this assignment. I found your github to be meticulously organized and your process file gave me a good impression of the amount of effort that you put into the assignment. The fact that IMDB made a change to the data you were scraping while you were working on creating the code adds another layer of challenge. One thing that I would have liked to see is how you extracted the html tags that you used during your datascraping. In general more commentary would have helped me as a reader understand your thought process as you went about the assignment. I really liked how you set up the IMDB_ranking column to assign numbers to the column based on the row number. I had not thought to do that and it seems quite clever.

Your code ended up longer than expected for scraping IMDB. I guess it is more complicated than I thought! I agree with you that creating a .md file is somewhat of a pain with the long scraping times, but in the end it worked out well for you.


jmurthy12 commented 6 years ago

Hi @sepkamal,

Here are my review comments:

• You have provided links to Homework 10 files that makes it easy to navigate. • I learnt a lot reviewing your assignment. • Your progress report clearly mentions the difficulties faced to complete this assignment and appreciate your efforts. • I learnt about parse_number()in readr package, from your homework, thanks for that. • Good usage of functions : lapply() and other dplyr functions • Your Graphical Analysis on "Gross USA Movie earnings vs IMDB ranking" and "Directors With the Most IMDB top 250 movies" was colourful and clearly represents that the statistics. Nice job! • Lot of discussion with each chunk of code make it very easy to follow your work. Overall, great job of Homework 10.Happy holidays!

Thanks, Janani.

wenzhengzzz commented 6 years ago

Hi @sepkamal,

Thanks for inviting me to your repository.Well organized homework.It is grateful that you explain your process clearly in your Rmd file and linked each file to README file, which is quite useful when I review your homework. Here are more specific comments:

--I saw you suggested using suppressPackageStartupMessages rather than download package when reviewing other students' homework, I'm not sure the specific reasons for one prefer the other. Does it give shorter message? --I also suggest that you may use {r include=FALSE} or warning=FALSE to avoid unnecessary messages. --You did a great job on extracting data from webpage and include a link to the main page of the movie. Every link works well. I learnt parse_number() from your work. --I think URL's can not be shorten. --Graphical Analysis is pretty straight forward since there's only one numerical variable in the data frame.

Overall, I think you did a great job!