sepkamal / STAT545-hw-Kamal-Sepehr

Homework repo for STAT 545
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Hi, this is the repository for my homework assignments for STAT 545 at UBC.

Click here for the STAT 545 website.

Use the below table to navigate my homework assignments:

Homework # File
01 - Edit and Use R Markdown
02 - Explore Gapminder and use dplyr
03 - dplyr to manipulate and explore data
04 - Tidy data and joins
05 - Factor and figure management; Repo hygiene
06 - Data wrangling wrap up
07 - Automating Data-analysis Pipelines Hw07_Automating Data-analysis
08 - Building Shiny apps HW08_Building_Shiny_apps
09 - Building your own R package HW09_Building_R_Package
10 - Data from the web


Welcome to me

My name is Sep, I did my undergrad in biology at UBC and am now doing my masters in genome science and technology, working in a diabetes lab at the life sciences institute.

I am also an arsenal fan! Though sometimes they drive me crazy alt text

Here is a random table of some things I like and dislike:

Thing Like or dislike
Biking :thumbsup:
Coffee :thumbsup:
Apples (the fruit) :thumbsup:
Apple (the company) :thumbsdown:
Pollution :thumbsdown:

So...R Stats, Eh?

A few years ago I started working on this project to analyze some DNA sequencing data. I was using excel.

It was hell.

Excel Strugles

So... That's why I'm hoping R can save me.

Progress Report

This file was edited in RStudio after initially creating this file and repository on github. I made edits, saved, commited, and then pulled and pushed to github. I had some trouble with syntax for things like links and pictures, but after some trial and error got it working. I kept finding typos so had to keep commiting over and over.

I found this site to be really helpful while putting this together: Markdown Cheatsheet