sepkamal / STAT545-hw-Kamal-Sepehr

Homework repo for STAT 545
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HW04 is ready for grading #4

Open sepkamal opened 6 years ago

sepkamal commented 6 years ago

Please see my homework 4 here:

navysealtf9k commented 6 years ago

Hi @sepkamal

I found your analysis to be very well organized. You provided good documentation of the steps you were taking which made it easy to follow your train of thought.

I really enjoyed the graph you plotted. I liked your choice of colour schemes. This made it very easy to spot trends. Good job on adding a trend line to make this clear. One thing I suggest is perhaps having the code for your ggplot calls in separate lines. I was told by one of the TA's that this makes it more readable and hence easier for them to grade.

Your code structure was good. You made extensive use of the dplyr and ggplot packages. I can easily tell you are quite comfortable in doing so. Nice Job loading Knitr and then calling on Kable to produce your table. I had some difficulty doing so myself and hope to learn from what you have done!

You did a good job going over the different join functions. it was a pretty novel idea to use data on Diabetes for the different countries. You made extensive use of the different commands which was interesting. In addition you also filtered your data to verify certain functionalities of the different join commands. This too was a pretty neat add on to your analysis

One suggestion I have is perhaps mention your reflections on the different tasks in the README file. That would make it easier for the reader of your work to understand your pain points for this activity.

Overall I think you did a good job and I look forward to having an opportunity to review your work again.


derekcho commented 6 years ago

Hi @sepkamal, here are some comments about your hw04:

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