septor / dateplus

e107v2: Advanced Date Display Plugin
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Date+ Menu

Displays the current date. If the day is a holiday it will display that as well.

Am I missing a holiday?

If you notice a holiday that is missing feel free to open an issue with the holiday as the title and I'll get it added. For best results include a Wikipedia article so I can get the correct date added!

If an existing holiday falls on a different day for your country (I'm from the United States, I realize we're wrong 99% of the time) let me know that too! I'll add the correct date for your country!


Userdays are events, birthdays, trips, etc that maybe only you (or your users) celebrate. You can add your own userday by clicking Create Userdays in the admin area, setting the name of the event, and picking a date.

Hanukkah and Easter

... both have amazingly awesome days that they fall on (or start and end). There is special code written just to support them, but I'm looking at better ways to manage them. None of this really affects the end user, but it's important information that should be passed on. If they don't display correctly for you let me know!


Multilingual support is coming soon. Stick around.

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