seqeralabs / tower-cli

Nextflow Tower CLI tool
Apache License 2.0
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tw CLI

tw is Seqera Platform on the command line. It brings Seqera concepts like pipelines, actions, and compute environments to the terminal.

Seqera Platform is a full-stack application for the management of data pipelines and compute resources. It enables collaborative data analysis at scale, on-premises or in any cloud.

The CLI interacts with Seqera to provide an interface to launch pipelines, manage cloud resources, and administer your analysis.


The key features are:

See the Seqera Platform documentation to learn more about the application.


tw CLI can be installed on macOS, Windows, and Linux.

It is compatible with Seqera Cloud and Enterprise versions 21.08 and later.

Getting Started

This guide covers the installation and configuration of the CLI, cloud infrastructure provisioning, and launching pipelines into an AWS Batch compute environment.

1. Installation

  1. Download the latest version for your OS from the assets on the releases page.

  2. Rename and make the file executable:

    mv tw-* tw
    chmod +x ./tw
  3. Move the file to a directory accessible to your $PATH variable:

    sudo mv tw /usr/local/bin/

2. Configuration

You need an access token for the CLI to interact with your Seqera instance. Select User tokens from the user menu in the Seqera UI, then select Add token to create a new token.

Copy the access token value and use it with the CLI in one of two ways:

If required, configure the following non-mandatory environment variables using the same methods above:

You can find your TOWER_WORKSPACE_ID from the Workspaces tab on your organization page. Alternatively, you can list all the workspaces your token can access with tw workspaces list and copy the workspace ID from the command output.

3. Health check

Confirm the installation, configuration, and connection:

$ tw info

    System health status
     Remote API server connection check    | OK
     Tower API version check               | OK
     Authentication API credential's token | OK

tw CLI commands

See Usage for detailed instructions to use the CLI.


Activate autocompletion in your current session with this command:

source <(tw generate-completion)

Custom SSL certificate authority store

If you are using a Private CA SSL certificate not recognized by the default Java certificate authorities, use a custom cacerts store:

tw info

You can rename the binary to tw-binary and create a tw script to automatically include the custom cacerts store in every session:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
tw-binary $@

Build binary development versions

tw CLI is a platform binary executable created by a native compilation from Java GraalVM. To compile and build a development version of the binary:

  1. If necessary, install SDKMan!

  2. From the root of the tower-cli project, install GraalVM:

    sdk env install

    This ensures that SDKMan uses the tower-cli project-specific .sdkmanrc configuration.

  3. Install native-image:

    gu install native-image
  4. Export your Github credentials. Github requires authentication for public packages (the token only requires the read:packages scope):

    export GITHUB_USERNAME=...
    export GITHUB_TOKEN=...
  5. Create the native client:

    ./gradlew nativeCompile

    This will install a locally compiled version of tw in the nativeCompile directory:

    Produced artifacts:
     <tower-cli-repository-root>/build/native/nativeCompile/tw (executable)
    Finished generating 'tw' in 1m 6s.
    [native-image-plugin] Native Image written to: <tower-cli-repository-root>/build/native/nativeCompile
    6 actionable tasks: 2 executed, 4 up-to-date
  6. Run tw:


Non-binary development versions

Run a non-binary development version by executing the ./tw script in the root of this repository.


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