seras42 / feels_app

Apache License 2.0
3 stars 0 forks source link


A feeling app for feelers. Log your emotions in an encrypted diary. See statistics of your feelings. You have an option to encrypt the data with or without password. The app is intended to be used as a diary.



App uses sqflite_sqlcipher for creating, managing and encrypting a SQL database where all of the notes are stored. If the user decides to not use a password, random password will be generated and stored using flutter_secure_storage, this allows the data to still be encrypted when the app is not used. The statistics uses an implementation of fl_chart.

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PULL REQUESTS: At the moment i am busy, if anyone wants a feature you can try to implement it and make a pull request. Ideally first we should talk about the details on how it should be implemented to avoid misunderstanding.

TODO(this is for me, from easiest to hardest) whenever the stars align

  1. Auto Lock when minimzed setting (just do 'close database' on paused()
  2. Auto Blind when minimzed, change the app to a black screen when app is minimized

  3. Random password gen(make it go to 30 characters, why not)

  4. Make sure memory cleared after 'closeDatabase' when app running

  5. Note rating, implement slider instead of 2-10 rating. If possible
  6. Some sort of import, export function for backups
  7. Look in to internationalization or skip for future
  8. Ability to add more flags for a note(probably lots of work), possible solution is for 'moodType' to keep adding numbers for different flags
  9. More emotions(require lots of thinking before a decision can be established)