sergei-mironov / cake3

Makefile DSL
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
12 stars 2 forks source link


Cake3 is a EDSL for building Makefiles, written in Haskell. With cake3, developer can write their build logic in Haskell, obtain clean and safe Makefile and distribute it among the non-Haskell-aware users. Currently, GNU Make is the only backend supported.

The Goals

Make is a build tool which was created more than 20 years ago. It has a number of versions and dialects. Basic Makefiles are really easy to write and understand. Unfortunately, it is hard to write real-world scale set of rules correctly due to tricky syntax and lots of pitfails. As of today, Make has automatic, declarative and imperative variables, builtin rules, pattern-rules, double-colon rules, C-style ifdefs (which doesn't work well with declarative variables) and lots of other strange things. Nevertheless, it is still widely used as a de-facto standard tool which everyone has access to.

The goals of Cake3 are to help the developer to:


From Hackage:

$ cabal install cake3

From the Github:

  1. Install Haskell Platform

  2. Install dependencies

     $ cabal install haskell-src-meta monadloc QuasiText
  3. Build the thirdcake from Github

     $ git clone
     $ cd cake3
     $ cabal configure && cabal install


  1. Create the Cakefile.hs in the root dir of your project

    $ cake3 init
  2. Edit Cakefile.hs, fill it with rules or other logic you need

    $ vim Cakefile.hs
  3. Debug your generator with

    $ cake3 ghci
    Prelude> :lo Cakefile.hs 
  4. Build the Makefile with cake3

    $ cake3
  5. Run GNU make as usual

How does it work

Cake3 allows user to write Cakefile.hs in plain Haskell to define rules, targets and other things as usual. cake3 executable compiles it into ./Cakegen application which outputs your Makefile (ghc is required for that). GNU Make knows how to do the rest.


Here is the example of simple Cakefile.hs:

module Cakefile where

import Development.Cake3
import Cakefile_P

main = writeMake (file "Makefile") $ do


  cs <- return $ [file "main.c", file "second.c"]

  d <- rule $ do
    shell [cmd|gcc -M $cs -MF @(file "")|]

  os <- forM cs $ \c -> do
    rule $ do
      shell [cmd| gcc -c $(extvar "CFLAGS") -o @(c.="o") $c |]

  elf <- rule $ do
    shell [cmd| gcc -o @(file "main.elf") $os |]

  rule $ do
    phony "all"
    depend elf

  includeMakefile d

Features and limitations

Thirdcake follows Autoconf's path in a sence that it builds the program may do some checks and tests and generates the Makefile. In the same time, the idea of this EDSL is to move as much logic as possible in the final Makefile, to drop the cake3 dependency at the build time.

Of cause, it is possible up to some degree. For example, Cake3 doe not provide a way to scan the project tree with Make's wildcards. But it is possible and may be implemented in future.

Still, some common patterns are supported so I hope that users would call resulting Makefiles safe and robust enough for, say, package maintainers.



Make syntax

As a summary - only a small subset of Make syntax is supported. For complex algorithms Haskell looks more suitable so implement everything you need inside the Cakefile.hs. In particular:


Random implementation details

  1. cake3 script copies all the Cake*hs files it found in the project tree to a single temporary directory before compiling the ./Cakegen application. That is why all the cakefiles in project should have different names. Another consequence - cakefiles as Haskell modules may be imported by filename regardles of their actual position in the project tree.

  2. Cake3 creates ./Cake*_P.hs files for every Cake*hs. The _P files contain paths information. In particular, they define file function for the current directiory. selfUpdate function is also defined there.

  3. All filepaths in the final Makefile are relative.

  4. Cake3 uses it's own representation of files (File). Many filepath functions (takeDirectory, takeBaseName, dropExtensions, </>, etc) are defined for File as members of FileLike typeclass. See System.FilePath.Wrapper for the details.