sergioperez / fronius-auth-proxy

Authentication proxy to avoid using the HTTP digest implementation used on the Fronius inverter controllers
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Fronius Auth Proxy

This serves as a proxy for requests to your Fronius inverter.

The local REST API is read-only, and some features are not available via the modbus interface. This allows to perform requests to a Fronius inverter without handling their HTTP digest mechanism.



I want dinamically control to be able to control how much energy does a Fronius inverter serves to the electricity network of my provider.


podman - Although it will work with other tools as Docker, but this guide follows the procedure with Podman.


  1. Clone this repo
git clone
  1. Build the container image
podman build . -t localhost/fronius-auth-proxy:latest
  1. Run it alongside your Home Assistant installation
podman run -p localhost/fronius-auth-proxy:latest
  1. (OPTIONAL) Test changing values from http://yourFroniusIp/#/settings/evu with curl (Replace EXPORT_POWER_LIMIT, SYSTEM_TOTAL_POWER, SERVICE_USER_PASSWORD, FRONIUS_IP. Check the output and if this was changed in your system (remember to refresh the page).
curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "powerLimits": {
      "exportLimits": {
        "activePower": {
          "hardLimit": {
            "enabled": false,
            "powerLimit": 0
          "mode": "entireSystem",
          "softLimit": {
            "enabled": true,
            "powerLimit": EXPORT_POWER_LIMIT
        "failSafeModeEnabled": false
      "visualization": {
        "exportLimits": {
          "activePower": {
            "displayModeHardLimit": "absolute",
            "displayModeSoftLimit": "absolute"
        "wattPeakReferenceValue": SYSTEM_TOTAL_POWER
  }' \
  1. Run it as a container, and create a systemd unit
podman create --name fronius-auth-proxy localhost/fronius-auth-proxy:latest
podman generate systemd --restart-policy=always -t 1 fronius-auth-proxy >> /etc/systemd/system/fronius-auth-proxy.service
systemctl enable --now fronius-auth-proxy
  1. Add a custom input to Home Assistant via configuration.yaml
    name: "Fronius soft limit"
    initial: 4000
    min: 150
    max: 4000
    step: 50

    url: "http://localhost:30072/request?username=service&password=FRONIUS_SERVICE_PASSWORD&port=80&hostname=FRONIUS_IP&path=/config/exportlimit/?method=save"
    method: POST
    content_type: application/json  # Specify the content type
    payload: >
        "powerLimits": {
          "exportLimits": {
            "activePower": {
              "hardLimit": {
                "enabled": false,
                "powerLimit": 0
              "mode": "entireSystem",
              "softLimit": {
                "enabled": true,
                "powerLimit": {{ states('input_number.fronius_soft_limit') | int }}
            "failSafeModeEnabled": false
          "visualization": {
            "exportLimits": {
              "activePower": {
                "displayModeHardLimit": "absolute",
                "displayModeSoftLimit": "absolute"
            "wattPeakReferenceValue": MAX_SYSTEM_POWER
  1. Test the integration from your HomeAssistant :)