sergiotapia / magnetissimo

Web application that indexes all popular torrent sites, and saves it to the local database.
MIT License
2.98k stars 187 forks source link
bittorrent p2p search-engine self-hosted torrent


Magnetissimo is a self-hosted web application that indexes all popular torrent sites and saves the magnet links to your local database.




Usage Guide:

We want to explain how to run Magnetissimo on:

Docker Compose

# Generate a secret_key with either
openssl rand -base64 64
mix phx.gen.secret

# Enter that key as SECRET_KEY_BASE in the docker-compse.yml file

# Start the application
docker compose up -d

If you are going to access Magnetissimo at an address besides localhost, add PHX_HOST to your environment variables. For example, to access it at

      - PHX_HOST=

Or to access it at https://magnetissimo.domain.tld:

      - PHX_HOST=magnetissimo.domain.tld


# Generate a secret_key with either
openssl rand -base64 64
mix phx.gen.secret

Edit the k8s/deployment.yaml file, and replace the ENV SECRET_KEY_BASE with your generated key.
Edit k8s/ingress.yaml & the PHX_HOST in k8s/deployment.yaml and replace the host with your domain name.

The Postgres database is configured to use the DNS name assuming it is being deployed to the default namespace, update this in the enviroment variables if you are deploying to a different namespace.

Finaly, deploy the application to your cluster.
kubectl apply -f k8s/pvc.yaml
kubectl apply -f k8s/deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f k8s/svc.yaml
kubectl apply -f k8s/ingress.yaml

Local Development

asdf install
mix deps.get
iex -S mix phx.server

Then visit: http://localhost:4000


All endpoints returns JSON formatted information.

/search endpoint: http://localhost:4000/api/search/:search_term

Search returns torrents that match the search_term param.

/latest endpoint: http://localhost:4000/api/latest

Latest returns the latest 50 published_at torrents.


We have a .tool-versions so you can use ASDF to install the right versions really easily.

elixir 1.14.4
nodejs 19.8.1

Then asdf install.

You also need to have Postgres running and configure it using the DATABASE_URL environment variable.

Finally set up your database with some dummy data and run the project.

mix deps.get
mix ecto.reset
iex -S mix phx.server


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