Built with Docker, PostgreSQL and Cowboy.
It is hosted at http://tryerl.seriyps.ru/.
It supports x-www-form-urlencoded
as well as json
There are 3 endpoints:
Evaluates Erlang code and prints it's stdout and process return code.
curl -i -d '{"code":"-module(main). -export([main/0]). main() -> io:format(\"Hello, world!\").","release":"21.3"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://tryerl.seriyps.ru/api/evaluate
curl -i -d 'code=-module(main).%20-export(%5Bmain%2F0%5D).%20main()%20-%3E%20io%3Aformat(%22Hello%2C%20world!%22).&release=21.3' http://tryerl.seriyps.ru/api/evaluate
Compiles Erlang code to different forms and prints compilation result.
curl -i -d '{"code":"-module(main). -export([main/0]). main() -> io:format(\"Hello, world!\").","release":"21.3","emit":"beam"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://tryerl.seriyps.ru/api/compile
curl -i -d 'code=-module(main).%20-export(%5Bmain%2F0%5D).%20main()%20-%3E%20io%3Aformat(%22Hello%2C%20world!%22).&release=21.3&emit=beam' http://tryerl.seriyps.ru/api/compile
Basic pastebin to store and retrieve code snippets.
curl -i -d '{"code":"-module(main). -export([main/0]). main() -> io:format(\"Hello, world!\").","release":"21.3","emit":"beam"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://tryerl.seriyps.ru/api/pastebin
curl -i -d 'code=-module(main).%20-export(%5Bmain%2F0%5D).%20main()%20-%3E%20io%3Aformat(%22Hello%2C%20world!%22).&release=21.3&emit=beam' http://tryerl.seriyps.ru/api/pastebin
New pastebin ID / URL will be returned in Location
HTTP header.
Paste contents can be queried by this URL. HTTP Accept
header is respected. Supported
values are application/x-www-form-urlencoded
(default) and application/json
curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" http://tryerl.seriyps.ru/api/pastebin/<paste id>
Create new Ansible variables file
cp deploy/vars_example.yml deploy/vars.yml
nano deploy/vars.yml
Create Ansible inventory file
It should have playpen
nano deploy/hosts
Run ansible
ansible-playbook -D -K -i deploy/hosts deploy/main.yml
Be careful to not run it with postgres
tag agin - it may wipe your pastebin database!
Use --skip-tags postgres
for re-deployment / upgrades.
for OTP version updates.