if install plugins by :PlugInstall
command, need here.
alse see Install_Plugins
plugins | dependencies |
coc.nvim | |
language server with coc | see here |
vimspector | Vim 8.2 Huge build compiled with Python 3.10 or later ※also see here |
github/copilot.vim | GitHub Copilot |
CoderCookE/vim-chatgpt | https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys |
command / package | purpose | use in vim if include |
lazygit | GUI git operations |
bat | syntaxed preview in coc fzf (references/outline) |
powerline/fonts | font |
ryanoasis/nerd-fonts | font |
ryanoasis/vim-devicons | icon |
brew install vim
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/vim/vim.git \
&& cd vim && ./configure --with-features=huge --enable-python3interp=dynamic \
&& sudo make && sudo make install \
&& vim --version
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/serna37/vim && ln -s vim/.vimrc ~/.vimrc
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/serna37/vim/master/.vimrc > ~/.vimrc
other commands / keymaps details are in cheat sheet.
※ I chose yapf for python formatter, so need python -m pip install yapf
※ To disable inlay hint on clangd
mkdir -p ~/Library/Preferences/clangd && vi ~/Library/Preferences/clangd/config.yaml
Enabled: No
:Copilot setup
※ Needs GitHub Copilot
When you start vim with no args like
You can see cheat sheet on start menu. This is here.
also see wiki-debug
command install these plugins.
this vimrc
including functions inspired these plugins.
this vimrc
including these functions.