serserher / evaluation_of_images_iqa

A repository for an image quality analysis CNN implementation to evaluate the quality of images generated with generative AI models.
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A repository for an image quality analysis CNN implementation to evaluate the quality of images generated with generative AI models.

Training and Testing Pipeline with shared backbone and multiple convolutional classifying heads.

This repository contains scripts for training and testing a shared backbone architecture with multiple convolutional classifying heads.


The training process begins with the backbone architecture defined in, which is called by the TrainingPipeline class in To utilize this method, follow these steps:

  1. Import the TrainingPipeline class into your script:

    from Training_Pipeline import TrainingPipeline
  2. Instantiate the TrainingPipeline class with the appropriate parameters, such as train and validation datasets, backbone model, learning rate, batch size, and number of epochs:

    pipeline = TrainingPipeline(train_dataset, val_dataset, backbone_model, init_lr=1e-4, batch_size=25, num_epochs=100)
  3. Define your train and validation datasets using the ImageDataset class. For example:

    dataset_1 = ImageDataset('/path/to/train_data', '/path/to/labels.csv', transforms=transforms_regular)

    Disclaimer about the data: This project is part of a Master's Thesis in collaboration with a company so the data used will be kept private. The codes involved in the functioning of the training and testing need to be consistent when it comes to the criteria names, you can obtain that consistency by adjusting the names of the criteria in the whole stack for training and testing (You can find the names of the criteria that I use for my project but you can change it to adapt to your purpose).

  1. Initiate the training process by calling the train() function:

  2. After training, save the trained models and metric plots using the respective object functions:



To assess the trained model, you can use the TestPipeline class defined in Follow these steps:

  1. Import the TestPipeline class into your script:

    from Testing_Pipeline import TestPipeline
  2. Instantiate the TestPipeline class with the testing dataset loader and the trained model:

    test_pipeline = TestPipeline(test_loader, perf_evaluator_model)
  3. Execute the test by calling the evaluate() function:

  4. Visualize and store the test results using the following set of functions:

    aggregate_results = test_pipeline.aggregate_results()
    output_folder = "output_directory"

Example Usage

For a complete example of how to use the training and testing pipelines, refer to file.

Training and Testing Pipeline with full models per criterion.

  1. Import the CustomTrainer class into your script:

    from Custom_Trainer import CustomTrainer
  2. Define your train and validation datasets using the ImageDataset class. For example:

    dataset_1 = ImageDataset('/path/to/train_data', '/path/to/labels.csv', transforms=transforms_regular)

    Instantiate the DataLoaders as normally done in these kinds of Pytorch implementations, an example can be found here:

    from import DataLoader
    # Create DataLoader for training set
    train_loader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True)
    # Create DataLoader for validation set
    val_loader = DataLoader(val_dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False)
    # Create DataLoader for test set
    test_loader = DataLoader(test_dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False)

Disclaimer about the data: This project is part of a Master's Thesis in collaboration with a company so the data used will be kept private.

The codes involved in the functioning of the training and testing need to be consistent when it comes to the criteria names, you can obtain that consistency by adjusting the names of the criteria in the whole stack for training and testing (You can find the names of the criteria that I use for my project but you can change it to adapt to your purpose).

  1. Instantiate the CustomTrainer class with the appropriate parameters, such as train and validation loaders, differently to the previously described multihead approach you have to first instantiate the loaders and that is what you pass as an argument instead of the datasets:

    trainer = CustomTrainer(train_loader, val_loader)
  2. Once per criterion, initiate the training process by calling the train() function from the class: trainer.train('name of the criterion', 'model_path (where you want to save the model)', 'figures_path (where you want to save the figures)', NUM_EPOCHS, INIT_LR)


To assess the trained model, you can use the TestPipeline class defined in Follow these steps:

  1. Import the evaluate_model function into your script:

    from Evaluate_Model import evaluate_model
  2. Once per criterion, call the function passing as arguments the test dataloader, the model path where you stored the trained model for the specific criterion, and the output folder where you would like to store the metrics:

    evaluate_model(test_loader, model_paths, output_folder_test)

    Example Usage

For a complete example of how to use the training and testing pipelines, refer to file in the "Training full models" folder.