servalproject / mesh-extender-builder

Creates firmware and file system images for easy building of Serval Mesh Extenders
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Serval Mesh Extender Builder

This repository contains the mechanisms required to create and install the software images on TP-Link MR3020-based Serval Mesh Extenders.

Two-stage process

The build stage consists of generating the OpenWrt firmware image and the complementary software that is required to be installed on a USB stick inserted into the USB port of the unit. The build stage only needs to be performed once.

Once the firmware and USB software image have been built, these then need to be installed on MR3020s and USB memory sticks, respectively. This can be done many times to install many units quite quickly, taking 2 - 5 minutes per Mesh Extender with a little practice. It is possible to parallelise this, installing the MR3020 image on one computer, and using another computer to generate one or more USB memory sticks simultaneously.

You will need a computer running linux on an x86 or amd64 processor (a laptop will do) to perform these steps, because we need to create Linux ext4 file systems. It would be possible to port the process to other operating systems, and we invite the community to contribute in this regard. In particular, it would be useful to have options for Windows and OSX.

The necessary steps are described below.

Build Stage

  1. Building MR3020 Firmware image

Run the make_image script.

This will download the ~400MB OpenWrt Image Builder, and create the firmware image.

  1. Build USB software image

You must have completed the previous step before you can move onto this one, because it uses the contents of the OpenWrt Image Builder that it downloads.

Run the gather-image-files script.

This will create the staging directory which contains the files that will end up on the /serval partition of the USB memory stick that each Mesh Extender requires to operate.

Installation Stage

The following process can be repeated on as many units as you wish, without having to repeat the steps of the build stage.

  1. Flash MR3020 with Mesh Extender firmware image

First, power-up your MR3020. If you wish to produce many Mesh Extenders in a short period of time, you may wish to have one powering up while you flash another, as these little treasures can take a couple of minutes to boot.

Second, connect it to your computer via ethernet cable. Wireless installation is probably possible, and we welcome feedback on that, but for now we only officially support cabled installation.

There are two alternatives at this point which you must select from. If you don't know which one to use, try one, and if it doesn't work, then try the other -- you can't break any thing.

If your MR3020 still has the factory image installed, then run the flash-virgin-mr3020 script.

If your MR3020 already has some OpenWrt image installed, then run the reflash-mesh-extender script.

Both of these scripts attempt to work out the IP address of the MR3020. You can override this by providing an IP address as a command line argument to the scripts.

If you already have OpenWrt on your MR3020, and reflash-mesh-extender fails, try rebooting your MR3020 into failsafe mode and or running firstboot on it and removing the root password so that it reflash-mesh-extender can easily log in via telnet.

Whichever path you follow, it should install the new firmware and reboot the MR3020. Wait until the connection to the MR3020 is dropped before removing power from the MR3020 so that you don't brick it by cutting power while it is reflashing itself.

  1. Preparing a USB memory stick

The first step is to know the device node of the USB memory stick, e.g., sdb. Take great care with this, because if you get it wrong, you might be asking the scripts to delete repartition and/or reformat your entire hard drive! The scripts do take some precautions, for example by refusing to proceed if it thinks the device is already mounted somewhere, but it can't be failsafe.

If all that sounds like gobbledy-gook, then it is probably best to find someone to help you, and you shouldn't proceed on your own.

The procedure boils down to:

  1. Insert a USB memory stick and work out the device node for it.
  2. Run AS ROOT with the device node as command line argument. Clearly this step is DANGEROUS if you give it the wrong device.
  3. REMOVE AND REINSERT the memory stick. This makes sure that the Linux kernel reloads the partition table.
  4. Run populate-memory-stick AS ROOT, again with the device node as the command line argument. This step is also DANGEROUS if you give it the wrong device, as it will reformat partitions on the device it is given.
  5. All done!

Powering up and testing a new Mesh Extender

Once you have prepared an MR3020 and a USB memory stick, plug them together and power it up. Once it powers up, it should offer as a Wi-Fi network with the standard Mesh Extender captive portal.

Controlling configuration of Mesh Extender using files on FAT partition

Primarily to ease development, Mesh Extender images built using this tool a number of special files on the FAT partition (mounted as /dos). This allows someone to take the USB memory stick out of a Mesh Extender, insert it into almost any computer, and modify the behaviour of the Mesh Extender by creating a few simple files using a text editor.

The following is a (probably incomplete) list of the special files that are supported:

  1. noroot

This gets created automatically after each boot. If it is missing during boot, the Mesh Extender will allow root login using the password root. Delete this file to allow root login via SSH for exactly one boot cycle.

  1. yesroot

If you REALLY want root access after every reboot, instead of just for one boot, create a file called yesroot, and put the root password that you would like to use in there.

If this file is present, noroot will be ignored.

  1. hipower.en

If this file is present, AND the switch on the MR3020 is in the centre position, lbard will attempt to operate any connected RFD900 UHF radio at 250mW instead of 3mW. YOU CURRENTLY REQUIRE A SPECIAL SPECTRUM LICENSE TO DO THIS! (This will hopefully change with the RFD900X radios that use wider channels, and so meet the FCC and ACMA class licenses for the ISM 915MHz band.)

  1. otabid.txt

If this file is present, and contains a valid Rhizome Bundle ID (BID), that bundle will be assumed to contain an authorised over-the-air (OTA) update, that will be used to update the key Serval daemons on the Mesh Extender. Take a look in over-the-air-update in this repository to see how to build OTA updates.

  1. monitor.sid

If this file is present, a MeshMS message will be sent to the SID contained in the file whenever an OTA update is applied. This helps you know when your Mesh Extenders are running the version of binaries you expect. The Message will contain the GIT commit of the mesh-extender-builder repository that was used to create the OTA update.

  1. nomesh

If this file is present, the ad-hoc wifi interface will be disabled. Your Mesh Extender will communicate with other Mesh Extenders only via RFD900 UHF packet radio while in this mode. Phones will still be able to connect as wifi clients to the Mesh Extender.

  1. apssid

If this file is present, the wifi access point will use the contents of the file as the SSID instead of This is handy if you have multiple Mesh Extenders together in a room, and want to be able to connect to specific ones via wifi.

  1. nouhf

Completely disable the UHF radio by not running the LBARD daemon. Handy if taking your Mesh Extender to another country where the ISM 915MHz band is not permitted.

  1. helpdesk.sid

Contains the SID to which messages requesting help should be sent. This is used to enable a web form on the main page of the mesh extender.

  1. Forbidden filenames

NEVER create files on the FAT partition with the following names: MeshExtender ota-update justinbieber

Providing NTP time for a Mesh Extender

Mesh Extenders look for an NTP server on or the usual openwrt NTP servers via their ethernet connection. They probably won't share NTP information via adhoc wifi, because of how the busybox ntp daemon works.

We are in the process of adding a mechanism to allow Mesh Extenders to approximately synchronise their clocks via the RFD900 UHF packet radios for when this is not possible. This is just to give hopefully meaningful timestamps for logs, and should not be otherwise considered reliable. It will probably only be accurate to +/- a few seconds.

Notes and Limitations

This process is still being finalised, and a few things are currently missing.

There are sure to be bugs.