Part 1: Running a scalable & reliable GraphQL endpoint with Serverless
Part 2: AppSync Backend: AWS Managed GraphQL Service
Part 3: AppSync Frontend: AWS Managed GraphQL Service
This starter kit is an opinionated set of tools combined to help you get started building a Serverless application with a GraphQL endpoint and deploy them to production in minutes.
This example uses the following technologies:
Other Utilities and Integrations
You need to have Node 6 or higher installed.
npm install -g serverless
npm install -g yarn
npm install -g netlify-cli
Install Dependencies.
yarn install
Please note: AWS CLI is required to be installed on your system
AWS Appsync (Serverless Offline does not support Appsync at this point)
Lambda Backend (Serverless Offline Supported)
cd app-backend/rest-api
yarn start
Generate your Consumer Key and Secret Key for a Twitter App and update config
cd app-backend/dynamodb
yarn start
cd app-backend/rds
yarn start
For Appsync Backend please select Appsync Client Integration:
cd app-client/appsync-client/
yarn start
For Lambda Backend please select Apollo Client Integration:
cd app-client/apollo-client/
yarn start
Also, please make sure GraphQL endpoint is configured correctly in config/security.env.local to run client on local.
Start GraphiQL
Start GraphQL Playground (GraphiQL replacement - coming soon)
and dynamodb
backends route GET and POST to the same /graphql
endpoint handler
Sample Query for GraphiQL, Playground or GraphQL
getUserInfo(handle: "Madalyn61") {
tweets {
items {
topTweet {
If you've followed me this far, DynamoDB will now be available and running on your local machine at http://localhost:8000/shell
Configure your AWS keys. Here you can find a 2min walkthrough how to do retrieve the keys.
sls config credentials --provider aws --key <your_aws_access_key> --secret <your_aws_secret_key>
You need to make sure you have access to your deployed lambda functions.
Note Please make sure latest serverless package is installed npm install -g serverless@latest
To use aws appsync you will need to create cognito user pool to authenticate the API Reference
- AWS DynamoDB
cd app-backend/appsync/dynamodb
yarn deploy-prod
yarn deploy-appsync
- AWS ElasticSearch
cd app-backend/appsync/dynamo-elasticsearch-lambda
yarn deploy-prod
yarn deploy-appsync
- AWS Lambda
cd app-backend/appsync/lambda
yarn deploy-prod
yarn deploy-appsync
Lambda Backend (Serverless Offline Supported)
Twitter Rest API
cd app-backend/rest-api
yarn deploy-prod
cd app-backend/dynamodb
yarn deploy-prod
Create RDS Instance. For example - PostGres Tutorial
Please make sure connectivity to production RDS instance works (For example: test via razersql)
Edit the config/
file and replace the DATABASE_URL
variable with your amazon rds endpoint (eg: postgres://${username}:{password}@${endpoint):5432/${dbName}).
Run the deployment command
cd app-backend/rds
yarn deploy-prod
First you will need to choose custom s3 bucket name for client. For ex: s3-firstname-serverless-graphql. Please note that bucket name must be unique across all aws buckets.
Now, in app-client/<client-name>/serverless.yml
edit the custom.client.bucketName
property and replace it the bucket name above.
Now, in app-client/<client-name>/package.json
edit the homepage
property with https://${yourBucketName}
. For ex:
Run the deployment command
cd app-client/<client-name>/
yarn deploy-s3
# Your deployment url will be printed on the console
Your deployment url will be :[bucket-name]/index.html
First you will need to create a new account. Please see for details.
Remove homepage property in app-client/<client-name>/package.json
. This property is not required while deploying to netlify but is required for aws s3 deployment.
The first time you use the cli tool, you’ll be asked to authenticate through the browser. After you authenticate netlify will store an access token in a global ~/.netlify/config
Run deployment command
cd app-client/<client-name>/
yarn deploy-netlify
Your deployment url will be printed on the console
type Mutation {
# Create a tweet for a user
# consumer keys and tokens are not required for dynamo integration
tweet: String!,
consumer_key: String,
consumer_secret: String,
access_token_key: String,
access_token_secret: String,
created_at: String!
): Tweet!
# Delete User Tweet
tweet_id: String!,
consumer_key: String,
consumer_secret: String,
access_token_key: String,
access_token_secret: String
): Tweet!
# Retweet existing Tweet
tweet_id: String!,
consumer_key: String,
consumer_secret: String,
access_token_key: String,
access_token_secret: String
): Tweet!
# Update existing Tweet
updateTweet(tweet_id: String!, tweet: String!): Tweet!
# Create user info is available in dynamo integration
location: String!,
description: String!,
name: String!,
followers_count: Int!,
friends_count: Int!,
favourites_count: Int!,
followers: [String!]!
): User!
type Query {
meInfo(consumer_key: String, consumer_secret: String): User!
getUserInfo(handle: String!, consumer_key: String, consumer_secret: String): User!
# search functionality is available in elasticsearch integration
searchAllTweetsByKeyword(keyword: String!): TweetConnection
type Subscription {
addTweet: Tweet
@aws_subscribe(mutations: ["createTweet"])
type Tweet {
tweet_id: String!
tweet: String!
retweeted: Boolean
retweet_count: Int
favorited: Boolean
created_at: String!
type TweetConnection {
items: [Tweet!]!
nextToken: String
type User {
name: String!
handle: String!
location: String!
description: String!
followers_count: Int!
friends_count: Int!
favourites_count: Int!
followers: [String!]!
topTweet: Tweet
tweets(limit: Int!, nextToken: String): TweetConnection
# search functionality is available in elasticsearch integration
searchTweetsByKeyword(keyword: String!): TweetConnection
schema {
query: Query
mutation: Mutation
subscription: Subscription
├── /app-client/ # React JS Client Integrations
│ ├── /appsync-client # Appsync Client Itegrations
│ │ ├── /public/ # front End Utils
│ │ │ ├── /index.html # main html file to render react app
│ │ │ ├── /... # front end metadata
│ │ ├── /src/ # react app code logic
│ │ │ ├── /components/ # react components
│ │ │ ├── /App.js # react application logic
│ │ │ ├── /index.js # react dom render
│ │ │ ├── /aws-exports.js # AWS Authentication
│ │ │ ├── /... # etc.
│ │ ├── /package.json # react app dependencies
│ │ ├── /serverless.yml # Serverless yaml for AWS deployment
│ ├── /apollo-client # Apollo Client Itegrations
│ │ ├── /public/ # front End Utils
│ │ │ ├── /index.html # main html file to render react app
│ │ │ ├── /... # front end metadata
│ │ ├── /src/ # react app code logic
│ │ │ ├── /components/ # react components
│ │ │ ├── /App.js # react application logic
│ │ │ ├── /index.js # react dom render
│ │ │ ├── /... # etc.
│ │ ├── /package.json # react app dependencies
│ │ ├── /serverless.yml # Serverless yaml for AWS deployment
├── /app-backend/ # Server Backend Integrations
├ ├── /appsync/ # AWS Appsync Integrations
├ ├ ├── /dynamodb/* # AWS Appsync Dynamodb
├ ├ ├── /elasticsearch/* # AWS Appsync Elasticsearch
├ ├ ├── /lambda/ # AWS Appsync Lambda
│ ├── /dynamodb # Integration with DynamodDB Backend
│ │ ├── /seed-data/ # seed test data
│ │ │ ├── /create_seed_data.js # Create Seed data to be inserted in dynamodb local and remote
│ │ │ ├── /insert_seed_data_prod.js # Insert seed data in aws dynamodb (serverless)
│ │ │ ├── /sample-query.txt # Test Query on DynamoDB Local Client http://localhost:8000
│ │ ├── /handler.js # AWS Lambda - Apollo Lambda Server
│ │ ├── /package.js # server side dependencies
│ │ ├── /resolvers.js # graphql resolvers
│ │ ├── /schema.js # graphql schema
│ │ ├── /serverless.yml # Serverless yaml for AWS deployment
│ │ ├── /webpack.config.js # Webpack server side code with ES6
│ ├── /rest-api # Integration with REST API Backend
│ │ ├── /handler.js # AWS Lambda - Apollo Lambda Server
│ │ ├── /package.js # server side dependencies
│ │ ├── /resolvers.js # graphql resolvers
│ │ ├── /schema.js # graphql schema
│ │ ├── /serverless.yml # Serverless yaml for AWS deployment
│ │ ├── /webpack.config.js # Webpack server side code with ES6
│ ├── /rds # Integrations for PostGres, MySQL and Aurora Backend
│ │ ├── /seed-data/ # seed test data
│ │ │ ├── /create_seed_data.js # Create Seed data to be inserted in dynamodb local and remote
│ │ │ ├── /seed_local.js # Insert seed data in aws dynamodb (serverless)
│ │ │ ├── /seed_prod.js # Test Query on DynamoDB Local Client http://localhost:8000
│ │ ├── /migrations/ # Create DDL statements
│ │ ├── /knexfile.js # Database Configurations
│ │ ├── /handler.js # AWS Lambda - Apollo Lambda Server
│ │ ├── /package.js # server side dependencies
│ │ ├── /resolvers.js # graphql resolvers
│ │ ├── /schema.js # graphql schema
│ │ ├── /serverless.yml # Serverless yaml for AWS deployment
│ │ ├── /webpack.config.js # Webpack server side code with ES6
├── /config/ # Configuration files
│ ├── /security.env.local # local config
│ ├── / # production config
As the Serverless GraphQL Apollo community grows, we'd like to keep track of who is using the platform. Please send a PR with your company name and @githubhandle if you may.
Currently officially using Serverless GraphQL Apollo :