This is a RESTful API for the Open Service Catalog Manager.
This API is integrated with Swagger - an implementation of OpenAPI specification. You can explore and use the OSCM API resources via the Swagger UI, which is deployed in the oscm-core container. A description for installing OSCM on docker can be found here.
You can access the Swagger UI with the context path /oscm-rest-api, by default on the oscm-core HTTPS port 8081. All resources as well as Swagger UI are protected. When visiting the Swagger UI, your browser will ask for authorization.
Enter the user key 1000
and password for the OSCM platform administrator.
A Linux operating system, with
To build the REST API:
mvn clean install
docker cp oscm-rest-api-uberwar/target/oscm-rest-api.war oscm-core:/opt/apache-tomee/webapps/
There is no need to restart the container afterwards. You can view the .war deployment logs in the newest /logs/juli.log
file in the oscm-core container./docker/var.env
file).Checkout this sample for getting started.