servo / servo

Servo, the embeddable, independent, memory-safe, modular, parallel web rendering engine
Mozilla Public License 2.0
26.36k stars 2.93k forks source link
browser rust servo webengine

The Servo Parallel Browser Engine Project

Servo is a prototype web browser engine written in the Rust language. It is currently developed on 64-bit macOS, 64-bit Linux, 64-bit Windows, and Android.

Servo welcomes contribution from everyone. See and for help getting started.

Visit the Servo Project page for news and guides.

Getting Servo

git clone
cd servo

Build Setup

If these instructions fail or you would like to install dependencies manually, try the manual build setup.




See also Windows Troubleshooting Tips.



Servo is built with Cargo, the Rust package manager. We also use Mozilla's Mach tools to orchestrate the build and other tasks. You can call Mach like this:

On Unix systems:

./mach [command] [arguments]

On Windows Commandline:

mach.bat [command] [arguments]

The examples below will use Unix, but the same applies to Windows.

The Rust compiler

Servo's build system uses to automatically download a Rust compiler. This is a specific version of Rust Nightly determined by the rust-toolchain.toml file.

Normal build

To build Servo in development mode. This is useful for development, but the resulting binary is very slow:

./mach build --dev
./mach run tests/html/about-mozilla.html

Release build

For benchmarking, performance testing, or real-world use. Add the --release flag to create an optimized build:

./mach build --release
./mach run --release tests/html/about-mozilla.html

Android build

For an armv7 Android build run the following command.

./mach build --android

Checking for build errors, without building

If you’re making changes to one crate that cause build errors in another crate, consider this instead of a full build:

./mach check

It will run cargo check, which runs the analysis phase of the compiler (and so shows build errors if any) but skips the code generation phase. This can be a lot faster than a full build, though of course it doesn’t produce a binary you can run.


Run Servo with the command:

./servo [url] [arguments] # if you run with nightly build
./mach run [url] [arguments] # if you run with mach

# For example
./mach run

Commandline Arguments

Keyboard Shortcuts

Runtime dependencies



There are lots of mach commands you can use. You can list them with ./mach --help.

The generated documentation can be found on