sesamyab / wordpress-sesamy

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Dependencies for signature validation are implemented with libraries using composer.

Run the following command to install the dependencies:

cd src && composer update

For debugging gutenberg post editor:

cd admin/gutenberg/sesamy-post-editor
npm start

(Make sure to hard-refresh to avoid script caching issues)

Enable codesniffer

Run the following command to enable codesniffer ./vendor/bin/phpcs --config-set default_standard WordPress

Run the codesniffer

Install VS Code plugin here or run manually:

./vendor/bin/phpcs ./src/*  --ignore=*/vendor/*,*.js,*node_modules* --standard=WordPress-Core,WordPress-Extra

You can also run automatic fixes according to standards like this

./vendor/bin/phpcbf ./src/*  --ignore=*/vendor/*,*.js,*node_modules* --standard=WordPress-Core,WordPress-Extra

Plugin configuration


Enable the paywall for an article


Filters and actions

In the main loop the wrapping of sesamy container is hooked into two filters, the_content and sesamy_content.

You can apply the sesamy_content to custom templates, shortcodes and others like this:

apply_filters( 'sesamy_content', $post, $content );

To modify the data before returned you can add a filter. The default priority for the built in main content is 999.

add_filter( 'sesamy_content', 'my_callback', 10, 2 );

function my_callback( $post, $content)

Custom paywall design

You can customize how paywall will be rendering by supplying your own template in code using the filter sesamy_paywall like this:

    add_filter('sesamy_paywall', 'show_paywall', 11, 3);

    function show_paywall( $default_paywall, $post, $post_settings){
        // Code for your custom layout. Please see /demo folder for a complete example