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Test for 'security.txt' does not follow redirect? #19

Closed mejofi closed 5 months ago

mejofi commented 5 months ago

Version: 1.1.1

It looks like the 'Security.txt exists and is a text file that contains required attributes' test does not follow redirects. Like, for example, when test.example is used as the domain, and https://test.example/.well-known/security.txt redirects to https://www.test.example/.well-known/security.txt, the test fails.

Since other tests do seem to follow redirects, and the spec suggests [1] that redirects can be expected, perhaps it would be possible to follow them here as as well?



sesh commented 5 months ago

Thanks for the report, and thanks for checking out this tool!

I've just tested this with "" as the domain and I'm seeing what I expect here. redirects to which has valid content. Under the hood here the HTTP library (urllib) should follow 3xx redirects automatically.

If you could, would you be able to share the output of curl -i for the security.txt file that you are expecting to redirect? Perhaps it's not a standard redirect for some reason.

> curl -i
HTTP/2 301
content-length: 0
mejofi commented 5 months ago

Hmm, I'll verify with a different domain, perhaps I overlooked something somewhere.

mejofi commented 5 months ago

Closing this ticket, think it was something on our side 🤔