sesh / ready

Are you production ready?
ISC License
26 stars 4 forks source link

šŸš€ ready is a tool for developers to check how production ready their website.


Install the tool from PyPI with:

pip install ready-check

Running the checks for a domain is as simple as:

ready <domain>

For more options, check the output of --help.

Usage during development

If you have cloned the repository and would like to run the checks with your local version, simply run:

python3 -m ready.ready <domain> [--request-filter=<x>] [--check-filter=<x>]

Optional Dependencies

There are no required dependencies, but two optional dependencies that enable some additional behaviour:

Note: if you install from PyPI these dependencies are installed.

Check list

Other Tools

This tool overlaps with a bunch of other online site checking tools. Here's a few that I have used in the past: