sethduda / AdvancedTrainSimulator

Arma 3 Advanced Train Simulator (ATS)
27 stars 7 forks source link

Compability with ACE3, Fuel trucks, Rearm #12

Open sampoharjula opened 6 years ago

sampoharjula commented 6 years ago

ACE3 has a cfgVehicles.hpp that defines fuel trucks

// Vanilla fuel vehicles
    class Truck_02_fuel_base_F: Truck_02_base_F {
        transportFuel = 0; //3k
        GVAR(hooks)[] = {{0.99,-3.47,-0.67},{-1.04,-3.47,-0.67}};
        GVAR(fuelCargo) = 10000;

Can you make ATS support refueling and rearming in ACE3 ?