sethduda / AdvancedTrainSimulator

Arma 3 Advanced Train Simulator (ATS)
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Advanced Train Simulator (ATS)



While outside of a train, there are a few actions you can perform. Look directly at the train to get these possible actions:

Train Driver Controls:

Train Passenger Controls:

Train Placement

Train objects can be placed on any tracks, including custom tracks. The train must be placed on top of the track. It's not important that the train object lines up perfectly. As long as it's on top of the track, it will work. All existing trains on the Tanoa map will work as-is. Currently, all of the train objects from APEX and CUPS are supported.

Track Placement

Custom track objects can be placed via the editor on any map. They can also connect on to the existing tracks placed on Tanoa. Only the track objects included with APEX are supported.

  1. All tracks must be terminated with the track termination object. If you don't do this, the train won't be able to follow your track that has no termination.

  1. Intersections must use the intersection track objects. Intersection track objects can be place on top of other tracks. You cannot create intersections using straight or curved tracks.


  1. Subscribe via steam: xxxxxx or download latest release from
  2. If installing this on a server, add the addon to the -serverMod command line option. It's required on the server side and is not required for clients.


Battleye kicks me when I try to do xyz. What do I do?

You need to configure Battleye rules on your server. Below are the files you need to configure:


Add the following exclusions to the end of all lines starting with 4, 5, 6, or 7 if they contain "" (meaning applies to all values):



If you have any lines starting with 4, 5, 6, or 7 and they contain "" (meaning applies to all values) it's not going to work. Either remove the line or explicitly define the values you want to kick. Since the values of the variables above can vary, I don't know of a good way to define an exclusion rule.

Also, it's possible there are other battleye filter files that can cause issues. If you check your battleye logs you can figure out which file is causing a problem.

My server is blocking script remote executions. How do I fix this?

Most likely your server is setup with a white list for remote executions. In order to fix this, you need to modify your mission's description.ext file, adding the following CfgRemoteExec rules. If using InfiStar you should edit your cfgremoteexec.hpp instead of the description.ext file. See for more details on CfgRemoteExec.

class CfgRemoteExec
    class Functions
        class ATRAIN_fnc_unregisterTrainAndDriver { allowedTargets=2; }; 
        class ATRAIN_fnc_registerTrainAndDriver { allowedTargets=2; }; 
        class ATRAIN_fnc_updateTrackMap { allowedTargets=2; }; 
        class ATRAIN_fnc_hideTrainObjectGlobal { allowedTargets=2; }; 
        class ATRAIN_fnc_hidePlayerObjectGlobal { allowedTargets=2; };
                class ATRAIN_fnc_requestATSInstall { allowedTargets=2; };

Issues & Feature Requests