sethwklein / vendetta-docs

Unofficial documentation for developing plugins for Vendetta Online
MIT License
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Vendetta Plugin Documentation

Vendetta Plugin Documentation is unofficial documentation for developing plugins for Vendetta Online.

Most of the documentation is in sample code form and there's a tool to convert it to a Vendetta plugin for testing. This helps ensure it's current and correct.

To try the plugin, install this folder like any other plugin (see below) and type /docs help in Vendetta. To make changes, see Contributing.


I recommend cloning this into your Vendetta plugins folder because then when you have something to contribute, you'll already have taken the first step, but if Git and GitHub are foreign to you, or for some other reason....

Scroll up to the green "Clone or download" button above, click it, click "Download ZIP", and install like usual for Vendetta plugins.



main.lua is generated from this file using generate.lua.

On MacOS do:

brew install lua

If you use something besides MacOS, you'll have to figure it out yourself, but we'd love a pull request when you get it figured out.

Even though plugins must use an older version, generate.lua works with a more recent version of Lua, 5.2.4 as of this writing. This is so you don't have to have so many versions of Lua installed if you do Lua development on other, more assiduously updated projects.


Get Grip. Seriously, it's awesome.

The format is GitHub Flavored Markdown.

This is documentation through sample code. That may be weird, but it's machine checkable and precise, both useful things in programming.

The sample code shouldn't be thorough tests. It should be limited to things one might not figure out from function names and such.

Sometimes it may be worth adding a usage block, either for the benefit of people who don't know Lua very well or for things with odd usage.

Pull Requests


Sector ID

local sector_id = GetCurrentSectorid()
print("Sample: "..tostring(sector_id))


local iterator = PlayerInventoryPairs()
local item_id, duplicate = iterator()
print("Sample: "..tostring(item_id))
print("Key and value are the same: "..tostring(item_id == duplicate))

Ancient texts say PlayerInventoryPairs used to provide the item ID and a table of information about the item. This may explain its strange design.


local items = {}
for item_id, _ in PlayerInventoryPairs() do
    table.insert(items, item_id)
print("You have "..#items.." items")

Item Information

local item_id, _ = PlayerInventoryPairs()()
local icon_path, name, quantity, metric_tons, short_description,
    long_description, strange_description, containing_item_id, item_class,
    item_subtype = GetInventoryItemInfo(item_id)

header("Icon path")
print("\tSample: "..string.format("%q", icon_path))

print("\tSample: "..string.format("%q", name))

See Item Name to get this separately.

print("\tSample: "..tostring(quantity))

header("Metric tons")
print("\tSample: "..tostring(metric_tons)..
    " ("..tostring(math.round(metric_tons*1000)).."kg)")

header("Short description")
print("\tSample: "..string.format("%q", short_description))

header("Long description")
print("\tSample: "..string.format("%q", long_description))

header("Strange description")
print("\tSample: "..string.format("%q", strange_description))

header("Containing item ID")
print("\tSample: "..tostring(containing_item_id)..
    " ("..tostring(GetInventoryItemName(containing_item_id))..")")

header("Item class")
print("\tSample: "..tostring(item_class)..
    " ("..item_classes[item_class]..")")

header("Item subtype")
print("\tSample: "..tostring(item_subtype)..
    " ("..item_subtypes[item_subtype]..")")

Item Name

See Item Information to get a ton of other information as well.

local item_id, _ = PlayerInventoryPairs()()
local name = GetInventoryItemName(item_id)
print("\tSample: "..string.format("%q", name))