setrem / time-tracking-osTicket

Simple time tracking for osTicket.
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Time Tracking osTicket

Simple time tracking for osTicket. The customizations were tested on osTicket version v1.14.2.

How to use

Execute the SQLs

In table ost_ticket_time_tracking will be saved the hours spend on each ticket/task.

CREATE TABLE ost_ticket_time_tracking (
    ticket_id INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
    task_id INT(11) UNSIGNED NULL,
    staff_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
    start_time DATETIME NOT NULL,
    end_time DATETIME NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (ticket_id, staff_id, start_time),
    CONSTRAINT `ticket_id_time_tracking` FOREIGN KEY (ticket_id) REFERENCES ost_ticket (ticket_id),
    CONSTRAINT `task_id_time_tracking` FOREIGN KEY (task_id) REFERENCES ost_task (id),
    CONSTRAINT `staff_id_time_tracking` FOREIGN KEY (staff_id) REFERENCES ost_staff (staff_id)

In table ost_staff_shifts will be saved the shifts of each staff.

CREATE TABLE ost_staff_shifts (
    staff_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
    shift1_start TIME NOT NULL,
    shift1_end TIME NOT NULL,
    shift2_start TIME NOT NULL,
    shift2_end TIME NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (staff_id),
    CONSTRAINT `staff_id_shitfs` FOREIGN KEY (staff_id) REFERENCES ost_staff (staff_id)

Change osTicket files

All changes made to the code are in the osTicket folder. The folder follows the same structure as the osTicket version v1.14.2 released here.

All changes made were placed between the // CHANGED! mark in PHP and JS files, and between <!-- CHANGED! --> in HTML.

To do