Topic :
◼︎ The Employees' Information:
- What is equal gender?
- What is the number of staff by departments/generation/age-group?
- What is the employee's rate?
- How many years has been working?
- How many pelople terminated in every year?
◼︎ Department Information:
- How many employees are in which department?
- How many employees work for each job role? What is the gender ratio?
- In which department, in which age range do poeple work?
◼︎ Major Relationship :
- Is there any relationship between pay rate and gender?
- Is there any relationship between pay rate and performance rate?
- Is there any relationship between performance rank and gender?
- Is there any relationship between tenure and performace rank?
- Is there any relationship between race and sex?
- Is there any relationship between marital and sex?
◼︎ The Recruit and Tenure:
- From which recruitment channel are employees recruited?
- Is there a relationship between generation, tenure and turnover?
(compare with pay rate)