sf-wdi-25 / notes

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W02 d01 iterators with tests #21

Closed tgaff closed 8 years ago

tgaff commented 8 years ago

Adding final exercises with TESTS

this PR merges into w02-d01-iterators

nathanallen commented 8 years ago

This looks good!

Todo: 1) the exercises folder needs to be moved into a separate lab repo (it has multiple, dependent files / students shouldn't clone the notes repo).

Tips: 1) Make sure to spend a moment reading the MDN documentation together. Don't assume students know how to read it yet. -- e.g. "optional argument" notation (it's not an array!) -- what arguments do the callbacks have: i.e. currentValue, index, array (forEach)

2) Run the tests together, and look at the output together. -- What does it mean to run a test? What's being run? (Students will put method calls inside their js because they assume they need to call the functions explicitly). -- What does a failing test look like / what does a passing test look like?

tgaff commented 8 years ago

Thanks @nathanallen

tgaff commented 8 years ago

You're absolutely right that this should be in another repo. It grew here and I didn't think to transplant it.