sf-wdi-25 / notes

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Week 12 - Angular Continued

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Drills Prototype Review (JC) Project 3 intro (team) Project 3 Project 3
Module1 Presidents' day SPA Auth & JWTs (NA) Project 3 Project 3 Project 3
Module2 No class Rangular (TG) Project 3 Approvals Project 3 Project 3

Week 11 - Getting Acute with Angular

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Drills Trees (JC) Trees (JC) Tries (JC) Tries (JC) Review (Team)
Module1 Intro Angular (NA) Hangman Lab (TG) ngResource (JC) Routing with ui-router (TG) MEAN Lab (JC/TG)
Module2 Angular Directives (JC) Promise Patterns (NA) Book App (JC) MEAN stack intro (JC) Prototype Lab (Team)
HW Movie Lab Hangman & Bower FE Routing MEAN todo cntd.

Week 10 - Project 2

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Primary Project 2 Project 2 Project 2 Project 2 Presentations 10:30 Mature Rails Lab (NA)
Other topics Rails debugging (TG) - 1:30 Sandi Metz Rules (NA) Project 2 ? ? ? Mature Rails Lab (NA)

Week 9 - Project 2

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Drills Linked List (JC) Linked List (JC) Lightning Talks
Module1 Validations & Flash Messages (JC) Integration Testing w/ Capybara (TG) Lightning Talks Project 2 Project 2
Module2 RSpec Unit testing (TG) Gem Lightning Talk Topics (NA) Project 2 Elevator pitches & Approvals (team) Project 2 (tbd) Project 2 (Team)
HW Testing Lab (TG) Project 2 Requirements

Week 8 - Project Vagabond

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Morning MLK Mock Interviews / Standups @ 10:30 Mock Interviews / Standups @ 10:30 Mock Interviews / Standups @ 10:30 Feature Freeze!
All Day MLK Project Vagabond Vagabond Vagabond / Heroku Deploy Presentations @ 1pm - Homework

Week 7 - Rails

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Drills CSV Challenge (TG) CSV Challenge (TG) Secret Keys (JC) CSV Challenge (NA) Rails Project Planning (team)
Module1 Intro SQL (JC) SQL Relationships (JC) Library App - Auth (NA) Asset Pipeline (JC) Project planning with Rails (Team)
Module2 Migrations & Associations (TG) Cookies & Sessions (NA) Library App - N:N (NA) View Helpers & Partials (TG) Outcomes (Neda) / Git Flow (HS)
HW SQL Join Reading, More section of Migrations, Associations, & Relationships (JC) Auth Lab (NA) Asset Pipeline / Helpers & Partials (TG) View Helpers Lab (TG) Rails drills and CRUD app (TG)

Week 6 - Ruby

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Drills Welcome Back (team) Regex Drills (JC) Ruby Merge (JC) Ruby Bubble Sort (JC) Ruby Binary Search (JC)
Module1 Ruby Review (NA) Username Generator (NA) OOP Lab (JC) Intro Rails Framework (JC) Rock-n-Rails(JC)
Module2 Idiomatic Ruby (NA) Ruby OOP (JC) Hacktive Record (NA) Intro Active Record (NA) Weekend Bog App (JC)
HW Regex & Reading Review OOP Rails Guides & Wheel of Fortune Rails for Zombies

Week 5 - Project 1

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
All Day Project 1 Project 1 Project 1 Project 1 Presentations / Break Homework

Week 4 - MongoDB & CRUD

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Drills Binary Search (JC) Bubble Sort (JC) Merge Sort (JC) Outcomes **9:00am** (Neda) Review (Team)
Module1 Intro Mongo (NA) Tunely Albums/Songs CR (TG) Tunely cntd. (TG) Project Approvals (Team) Review / Projects (Team)
Module2 Intro Mongo Schemas & Embedding (JC) Tunely Albums/Songs UD (TG) Tunely cntd. (TG) Project 1 work time Weekend Lab (Team)
HW MongoDB Integration Tunely Sprints 1-4 Project 1 Specs Project 1 ^_^

Week 3 - AJAX & REST

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Drills Object Drills (JC) AJAX lab review HTTP Tennis (JC) Outcomes (Neda) Review (Team)
Module1 HTML Forms & Query Params (JC) GeoQuakes Lab (JC) Intro Express (TG) Todo API Lab: Create & Read (NA) Heroku Deploy & Review (Team)
Module2 Intro APIs and AJAX: Giphy Lab (TG) REST + AJAX: GET & POST (NA) Express: Params & Queries (TG) Todo API Lab: Update & Destroy (NA) Personal API (Weekend Lab)
HW Giphy Lab Book App & HTTP Reading Homework Homework

Week 2 - Working with Objects

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Drills Science Fair JSON & HTML strings (TG)
Module1 Refactor & Debug (NA) Intro OOP & Constructors (JC) No Class No Class No Class
Module2 Iterators (TG) Prototype Methods (JC) No Class No Class No Class
HW Array/Iterators (TG) Weekend Lab

Week 1 - Controlling the DOM

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Drills Welcome! Kyrel More Kyrel Outcomes (Neda) Kyrel Advanced
Module1 Orientation Control Flow (Nathan) Functions & Arguments (Justin) Intro jQuery and the DOM (Justin) Review (Team)
Module2 Assessment and Homework Setup (Nathan & Travis) Bootstrap (Nathan) Arrays (Travis) DOM Context & Events (Nathan) Assessment & Weekend Lab Intro
HW Command Line Mystery JS Primitives & Objects JS Functions jQuery & Events Tic Tac Toe (Weekend Lab)