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Holiday break reading/assignments #43

Closed tgaff closed 8 years ago

tgaff commented 8 years ago

@justincastilla @nathanallen @HeyStenson

Please add ideas, suggestions for holiday assignments.

tgaff commented 8 years ago
nathanallen commented 8 years ago
tgaff commented 8 years ago

Plan: 1) ruby reading 2) fix 2 issues from your issue tracker (at least) 3) method drills - maybe add simpler module 0

nathanallen commented 8 years ago

Text Adventure lab, for consideration: https://github.com/sf-wdi-25/text_adventure

tgaff commented 8 years ago

@nathanallen The text adventure looks pretty tough. Could we have more examples? Maybe implement the first room for them in both js and rb?

nathanallen commented 8 years ago

I'd prefer puts and console.log to go outside function calls. I think it's a bad habit.

def add(a,b)
 a + b

puts add(1,1)
nathanallen commented 8 years ago

Not sure about these examples...

def isGreaterThanFive?(number)
  number > 5

def completelyDisagree?(bool)
   bool !== true
