sfa-siard / JdbcMySql

SIARD Suite - JdbcMySql
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JdbcMsSql - SIARD 2.2 MySql JDBC Wrapper

This package contains the JDBC Wrapper for MySql for SIARD 2.2.

JdbcMySql 2.1 has been built and tested with JAVA JDK 1.8, 9, and 10.

Getting started (for developers)

For building the binaries, Java JDK (1.8 or higher) and Ant must have been installed. A copy of build.properties.template must be called build.properties. In it using a text editor the local values must be entered as directed by the comments.

JdbcMySql 2.1 has been built and tested with JAVA JDK 1.8, 9, and 10.

Run a MySQL 5 Database with:

docker-compose up -d

Build application artifacts

Run tests and build the package

./gradlew build

Versioning, tags and releases

Versions and tags are managed with the Axion Release Plugin for Gradle (https://github.com/allegro/axion-release-plugin)

Short overview:

./gradlew currentVersion # show the current version

./gradlew release        # creates a new release adds a tag and pushes it to remote.

You may use an IDE of your choice for development (tested with intellij)


./doc/manual/user/index.html contains the manual for using the binaries. ./doc/manual/developer/index.html is the manual for developers wishing build the binaries or work on the code.