sfb1451 / metadata-catalog

The SFB 1451 data portal (metadata catalog)
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List of important TODOs before production release #17

Closed jsheunis closed 4 months ago

jsheunis commented 1 year ago


  1. Create relevant issues for above
  2. Draw in issues or TODOs from: https://github.com/datalad/datalad-catalog/issues/296
  3. Do all of the things
jsheunis commented 1 year ago


keyword search is too limited (only immediate next level)

A possible fix for this would be to add all levels of subdatasets also as direct children of the superdataset. A reason for not doing that would be to keep the home page "clean", i.e. only projects showing, although this could also be achieved by custom JS code for this catalog in particular.

An alternative solution would require some code changes in datalad-catalog that might have undesirable consequences for performance (recursing through subdatasets, doing an indeterminate amount of get requests along the way, all while waiting for a dataset page to load), and this needs some thinking before/if it turns into tangible code.

jsheunis commented 1 year ago


navigation is cumbersome: when exploring C06 and then aiming for C07. I need to click the browser back button, which brings me to the top of that long list, not anywhere near where I was

There won't be time to fix this before going to production, but this is useful feedback to take back into datalad-catalog development. IMO.

jsheunis commented 1 year ago


there is no summary that communicate how much or the diversity

Would this be on the catalog level, e.g. summary information about all included datasets, that will be displayed on the catalog home page? We'd need to get a few specs together before deciding how best to implement this, and how it influences general catalog UX.

adswa commented 1 year ago

adding an observation from chat I couldn't yet find:

should rename that repo/notebook, i think it was initially used as a test and when it worked the test in the name just remained. the notebook receives a URL paramer in the form of the datalad dataset url, which is then fed into a code cell in the notebook, so that users can run all cells without having to copy and paste the dataset url.

jsheunis commented 1 year ago

adding an observation from chat I couldn't yet find:

Also mentioned here: https://github.com/datalad/datalad-catalog/issues/296. I have fixed a bunch of those bugs in latest catalog main, and left the ones that I thought are not needed for SFB catalog. But I think perhaps this one is also useful to fix, since people might click on the binder link. Everything related to this can be done in catalog proper, and then ported into SFB catalog.

adswa commented 1 year ago

ah sorry for the noise then :see_no_evil:

jsheunis commented 1 year ago

No noise, you brought it back to the top again which was necessary

jsheunis commented 1 year ago

Added the relevant issue to the top list: https://github.com/datalad/datalad-catalog/issues/302

mslw commented 4 months ago

I checked two more boxes, because they have been addressed since (navigation by adding back button, and later also removing project datasets; datasets having code names by removing the project datasets; request contact by adding a dedicated button).

Of the remaining, I no longer know what the first meant ("there is no summary that communicate how much or the diversity"), and the other two ("keyword search is too limited" and "update everything binder") seem to be broader datalad-catalog items, and also not very impactful compared to those already addressed.

I would consider this issue mostly addresed. Given that we are now past the "production release" (publication under https://data.sfb1451.de), the issue has served its purpose, and can be closed.