sfb1451 / metadata-catalog

The SFB 1451 data portal (metadata catalog)
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+title: SFB 1451 publication catalog

Website: https://data.sfb1451.de

** Obtaining a subdataset from Sciebo:

+begin_src bash

datalad clone -d . webdavs:///Projects//


(using project names as folder names, because these would be displayed as subdataset names).

Tip: until [[https://github.com/datalad/datalad-next/issues/108][datalad-next/issues/108]] makes it automatic, storage remote can be reconfigured with:

+begin_src bash

git annex initremote my-sciebo-storage --private --sameas exporttree=yes type=webdav url=""


or with clone url substitution - check:

+begin_src bash

datalad configuration | grep 'datalad.clone.url-substitute'


to get some examples how you can alter all such URLs at once.

Generation is done incrementally. Utility scripts are provided in the code directory. One script usually does one thing.

Scripts have similar CLI: they need to be pointed to a dataset, a folder to store intermediate metadata, and (optionally) to a catalog they will update. See command line help or source code for usage instructions.

Key scripts are:

Additional scripts are: