sfcta / validation_workbook

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Transit Model Validation Scripts

Setup Instructions

Before running the scripts, configure the paths to all necessary input and output files in the control file as described below.

Input Configuration

Specify the paths for the required input files under the [transit] section in the control file:

These files should be located in your specified transit_input_dir.

Output Configuration

Specify directories for the output files where the transformed and predicted data will be saved:

Change the root directory path (e.g., X:\Projects\Miscellaneous\validation_simwrapper\transit\) as necessary. The script will automatically create required folders and subfolders.

Running the Scripts

  1. Ensure all input files are placed in the specified transit_input_dir.
  2. Run transit.py to execute the script.
  3. Check the specified output directories for results.

Ensure all dashboard YAML files are placed in the transit folder.

For issues or further configuration needs, refer to the control file comments or submit an issue on this repository.