sfhardman / kong-plugin-zipkin

Kong plugin to simulate clients and/or servers where these cannot practically be instrumented directly
Apache License 2.0
31 stars 9 forks source link
kong kong-plugin zipkin

Kong Zipkin Plugin

This is a plugin for the Kong API gateway to integrate with the Zipkin distributed tracing system. It allows for some degree of Zipkin instrumentation of connections between systems where one or both ends can't be directly instrumented.

This code has not been used in a production deployment by the author - you should verify it works for you before deploying.


Simulate Server

--------    ------    --------
|client| -> |Kong| -> |server|
--------    ------    --------
   |           |
   V           V
--------    --------
|Zipkin|    |Zipkin|
--------    --------

Server cannot be instrumented, so Kong impersonates the server to Zipkin, continuing the trace propagated from the client in B3 headers

Simulate Client

--------    ------    --------
|client| -> |Kong| -> |server|
--------    ------    --------
              |           |
              V           V
            --------    --------
            |Zipkin|    |Zipkin|
            --------    --------

Client cannot be instrumented, so Kong impersonates the client to Zipkin, initiating a new trace and propagating the B3 headers to the server

Simulate Client and server

--------    ------    --------
|client| -> |Kong| -> |server|
--------    ------    --------

Neither client nor server can be instrumented, so Kong impersonates both ends of the communication to Zipkin


  1. Requires Kong and Zipkin instances to exist
  2. Install the plugin on Kong:

    Obtain plugin:

    $ git clone git@github.com:sfhardman/kong-plugin-zipkin.git /opt/plugins/kong-plugin-zipkin

    Edit kong.conf:

    lua_package_path = /opt/plugins/kong-plugin-zipkin/?.lua;;
    custom_plugins = zipkin

    Restart Kong

  3. Add the plugin to an API:

    $ curl -i -X POST \
      --url http://localhost:8001/apis/ \
      --data 'name=example-api' \
      --data 'hosts=example.com' \
      --data 'upstream_url=http://httpbin.org'
    $ curl -i -X POST \
      --url http://localhost:8001/apis/example-api/plugins/ \
      --data 'name=zipkin' \
      --data 'config.zipkin_url=' \
      --data 'config.sample_once_every_n_requests=1' \
      --data 'config.simulate_server=false'
    # a Kong restart appears to be needed here to cause the plugin to register
    $ curl -i -X GET \
      --url http://localhost:8000/headers \
      --header 'Host: example.com'
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
       "headers": {
         "Accept": "*/*",
         "Connection": "close",
         "Host": "httpbin.org",
         "User-Agent": "curl/7.47.0",
         "X-B3-Sampled": "true",
         "X-B3-Spanid": "cf7fffa067b446fe",
         "X-B3-Traceid": "c14cad40e0e24232b94a2a25db2a0ca9"

