sfryers / MT32Editor

Timbre editor and patch librarian for MT-32 compatible devices
GNU General Public License v3.0
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MT-32 Editor - a patch editor and librarian for MT-32/CM-32L and compatible MIDI synthesisers

Unless stated otherwise, any reference in this document to MT-32 also applies to CM-32L, CM-64 or MUNT software synthesiser. The term 'SysEx' refers to MIDI System Exclusive message files, which normally contain a file extension '.syx'.



This software is licenced under the GPL3.0 ( No warranty is offered. Source code is available from GitHub ( The only external dependencies are the NAudio.Midi library for the main version, or the Sanford.Multimedia.Midi library for the legacy version. These can be imported using NuGet in Visual Studio (,

This software and its author are in no way linked to or endorsed by the Roland Corporation.


A settings file named MT32Edit.ini will be created in the same folder as the application- ensure you have write access to the folder where the application is stored.



Menu Bar

File Menu - load or save a SysEx file (a complete MT-32 memory state, consisting of system settings plus up to 64 timbres, 128 patches and 85 rhythm keys). Any existing MT-32 compatible SysEx files can be loaded, browsed and edited.

Individual timbres, in .timbre format, can also be loaded and saved using this menu. SysEx files are saved in a standard format and can be used with any compatible external software and devices, however .timbre files are only intended to be used with this software.

View Menu

Options Menu

Help Menu

MIDI In/MIDI Out - select MIDI input and output devices.

Play button - sends a Middle C note to the selected MIDI Out device, allowing the current timbre to be auditioned without a MIDI In controller being connected.

Memory Bank Editor

The memory bank editor sits on the left side of the application window. This area displays a list of the MT-32's 64 memory timbre slots. Selecting a timbre opens it in the Timbre Editor. If you select a different timbre after editing another, your changes are kept in memory until you load, save or exit the program.

Timbre Editor

The timbre editor occupies the central part of the application window. This area displays all of the parameters which make up the selected timbre. Altering the controls changes the sound of the current timbre accordingly. You can preview the current timbre using a MIDI input device set to channel 2 (or whichever MIDI channel Part 1 of your MT-32 is set to receive messages on).

An MT-32 timbre consists of up to four separate tones, called 'partials', each with 58 parameters which define the partial's pitch, filter (TVF) and amplitude (TVA) envelopes. Enable and disable each partial using the four numbered checkboxes, and select the partial to be edited using the four radio buttons.

Each partial is made up of either a synthesised tone (saw or square wave), or a sampled (PCM) tone. Partials 1/2 and 3/4 are grouped together in pairs, with one of 13 possible partial structures defining their make-up. Some structures are monophonic, others place one partial on the left stereo channel and the other on the right stereo channel. Other structures utilise a ring modulation effect, allowing one partial to modulate the other's tone. Select the desired partial structures using the two drop-down boxes- "S" denotes a synthesised tone, "P" denotes a PCM tone and "R" denotes a ring modulator.

When a PCM tone is used for the selected partial, a pull-down list of available PCM tones is shown. Note that the bank 2 tones are only available on a CM-32L compatible device (or by using MUNT with a CM-32L ROM image). When a PCM tone is selected, filter (TVF) parameters are not available.

Timbres can be named using basic ASCII characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, space and the symbols !"$%^&*()-+=_[]{};:'@#~\/|,.<>?). Timbre names can be up to 10 characters long. Any other characters entered into the timbre name box will be ignored or substituted when saved or sent to the device.

Refer to the original user manuals for detailed information on device specific features:

To assist with the editing process, any user changes to parameters in the Timbre Editor section can be undone and re-done by using the undo/redo buttons. Undo history is preserved when changing between partials in a single timbre, but is cleared when a different timbre is selected.

Patch Editor

The patch editor occupies the right side of the application window. This area displays a list of the MT-32's 128 patches. Selecting a patch will disable or enable the timbre editor, depending on whether that patch is set to a preset/rhythm (non-user editable) or memory (user-editable) timbre. You can preview the selected patch using a MIDI input device set to channel 2 (or whichever MIDI channel Part 1 of your MT-32 is set to receive messages on).

Rhythm Editor

The rhythm editor, when selected in place of the patch editor, also appears at the right hand side of the application window. This area displays a list of the MT-32's rhythm keys. Selecting a rhythm key will disable or enable the timbre editor, depending on whether that rhythm key is set to a rhythm timbre (non-user editable) or a memory timbre (user-editable). You can preview the full set of rhythm timbres using a MIDI input device set to channel 10, or hear the selected timbre by clicking the play button (green arrow) above the list.


Program exits immediately after startup:

I can't hear any sound:

Unexpected timbres are coming from my device:

My timbre sounds crackly/distorted:

I can't save my timbre or SysEx files: