sfu-dis / corobase

Coroutine-Oriented Main-Memory Database Engine (VLDB 2021)
MIT License
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corobase coroutines coroutines-ts cpp20 database database-engine oltp prefetching transaction-processing transactions

CoroBase: Coroutine-Oriented Main-Memory Database Engine

CoroBase is a research database engine that models transactions as C++20 stackless coroutine to hide CPU cache misses. See details in our VLDB 2021 paper:

[1] Yongjun He, Jiacheng Lu and Tianzheng Wang. CoroBase: Coroutine-Oriented Main-Memory Database Engine. VLDB 2021.

CoroBase inherits the shared-everything architecture, synchronization and concurrency control protocol from ERMIA. See our SIGMOD'16 paper [2] for a description of ERMIA, our VLDBJ paper [3] for details in concurrency control, and our VLDB paper [4] for replication.

[2] Kangnyeon Kim, Tianzheng Wang, Ryan Johnson and Ippokratis Pandis. ERMIA: Fast Memory-Optimized Database System for Heterogeneous Workloads. SIGMOD 2016.

[3] Tianzheng Wang, Ryan Johnson, Alan Fekete and Ippokratis Pandis. Efficiently making (almost) any concurrency control mechanism serializable. The VLDB Journal, Volume 26, Issue 4. 2017.

[4] Tianzheng Wang, Ryan Johnson and Ippokratis Pandis. Query Fresh: Log Shipping on Steroids. VLDB 2018.

Software dependencies


apt-get install -y cmake clang-8 libc++-8-dev libc++abi-8-dev
apt-get install -y libnuma-dev libibverbs-dev libgflags-dev libgoogle-glog-dev

Environment configurations

Make sure you have enough huge pages.

Build it

We do not allow building in the source directory. Suppose we build in a separate directory:

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ../ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=[Debug/Release/RelWithDebInfo]
$ make -jN

Currently the code can compile under Clang 8.0+. E.g., to use Clang 8.0, issue the following cmake command instead:

$ CC=clang-8.0 CXX=clang++-8.0 cmake ../ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=[Debug/Release/RelWithDebInfo]

After make there will be two executables under build:

ermia_SI that runs CoroBase (optimized 2-level coroutine-to-transaction design) and ERMIA with snapshot isolation (not serializable);

ermia_adv_coro_SI that runs CoroBase (fully-nested coroutine-to-transaction design) with snapshot isolation (not serializable);

Run it

$run.sh \
       [executable] \
       [benchmark] \
       [scale-factor] \
       [num-threads] \
       [duration (seconds)] \
       "[other system-wide runtime options]" \
       "[other benchmark-specific runtime options]"`

Run example

Sequential (baseline):
$./run.sh ./ermia_SI ycsb 10 48 20 \
         "-physical_workers_only=1 -index_probe_only=1 -node_memory_gb=75 -null_log_device=1" \
         "-w C -r 10 -s 1000000000 -t sequential"

CoroBase (optimized 2-level coroutine-to-transaction design)
$./run.sh ./ermia_SI ycsb 10 48 20 \
         "-physical_workers_only=1 -index_probe_only=1 -node_memory_gb=75 -null_log_device=1 -coro_tx=1 -coro_batch_size=8" \
         "-w C -r 10 -s 1000000000 -t simple-coro"

CoroBase (fully-nested coroutine-to-transaction design)
$./run.sh ./ermia_adv_coro_SI ycsb 10 48 20 \
         "-physical_workers_only=1 -index_probe_only=1 -node_memory_gb=75 -null_log_device=1 -coro-tx=1 -coro_batch_size=8" \
         "-w C -r 10 -s 1000000000 -t adv-coro"

Coroutine-based multiget (flattened coroutines)
$./run.sh ./ermia_SI ycsb 10 48 20 \
         "-physical_workers_only=1 -index_probe_only=1 -node_memory_gb=75 -null_log_device=1" \
         "-w C -r 10 -s 1000000000 -t multiget-simple-coro"

Coroutine-based multiget (fully-nested coroutines)
$./run.sh ./ermia_adv_coro_SI ycsb 10 48 20 \
         "-physical_workers_only=1 -index_probe_only=1 -node_memory_gb=75 -null_log_device=1 -coro_tx=1" \
         "-w C -r 10 -s 1000000000 -t multiget-adv-coro"

AMAC-based multiget
$./run.sh ./ermia_SI ycsb 10 48 20 \
         "-physical_workers_only=1 -index_probe_only=1 -node_memory_gb=75 -null_log_device=1" \
         "-w C -r 10 -s 1000000000 -t multiget-amac"

System-wide runtime options

-node_memory_gb: how many GBs of memory to allocate per socket.

-null_log_device: flush log buffer to /dev/null. With more than 30 threads, log flush (even to tmpfs) can easily become a bottleneck because of a mutex in the kernel held during the flush. This option does not disable logging, but it voids the ability to recover.

-tmpfs_dir: location of the log buffer's mmap file. Default: /tmpfs/.

-enable_gc: turn on garbage collection. Currently there is only one GC thread.

-enable_chkpt: enable checkpointing.

-phantom_prot: enable phantom protection.

-warm-up: strategy to load versions upon recovery. Candidates are:

Benchmark-specific runtime options

-w C: YCSB-C read-only workload.

-s 1000000000: number of records in the database table.

-r 10: 10 querys per transaction.

-t sequential: 'sequential' for ERMIA implementation, 'simple-coro' for the optimized 2-level coroutine-to-transaction implementation, and 'adv-coro' for the fully-nested coroutines implementation.