Read smart Luxembourgish electricity and gaz counter values with ESP8266.
I am not actively maintaining this project any more because I have been unable to fix a recurring issue where the ESP8266 just hangs/disappears. I am considering a re-write in Rust on the ESP32-C3 platform instead as a new challenge.
Update Oct 2022: The original author has just published a new version of his code (1.6) that includes most of the features I need, make sure to check it out.
In Luxembourg, electricty and gas counters are being replaced with smart counters that allow the provider to remotely measure consumption values. A special port is provided to allow the end-user to capture the data, for example for integration with home automation systems.
This work is a fork of the awesome project by Guy WEILER who did all the hard work on both the software and hardware side. Please review Guy's website for technical details on the solution, PCB layout, etc.
root@54681c2ae65d:/# mosquitto_sub -t 'smarty/#' -v
smarty/act_pwr_p_minus_l1/value 00.000
smarty/act_pwr_p_minus_l2/value 00.000
smarty/act_pwr_p_minus_l3/value 00.000
smarty/act_pwr_p_plus_l1/value 00.384
smarty/act_pwr_p_plus_l2/value 00.123
smarty/act_pwr_p_plus_l3/value 00.434
smarty/apparent_export_pwr/value 00.000
smarty/apparent_import_pwr/value 01.162
smarty/broker_ctrl_state_1/value 0
smarty/broker_ctrl_state_2/value 0
smarty/elec_failures/value 00340
smarty/elec_sags_l1/value 00009
smarty/elec_sags_l2/value 00009
smarty/elec_sags_l3/value 00009
smarty/elec_swells_l1/value 00000
smarty/elec_swells_l2/value 00000
smarty/elec_swells_l3/value 00000
smarty/elec_switch_postn/value 1
smarty/elec_threshold/value 027.6
smarty/energy_delivered_tariff1/value 011634.750
smarty/energy_returned_tariff1/value 000000.240
smarty/equipment_id/value SAG1030123456789
smarty/gas_index/value (null)
smarty/limiter_curr_monitor/value 040
smarty/msg_short/value (null)
smarty/msg2_long/value (null)
smarty/msg3_long/value (null)
smarty/msg4_long/value (null)
smarty/msg5_long/value (null)
smarty/p1_version/value 42
smarty/phase_curr_l1/value 002
smarty/phase_curr_l2/value 000
smarty/phase_curr_l3/value 002
smarty/phase_volt_l1/value 231.0
smarty/phase_volt_l2/value 230.0
smarty/phase_volt_l3/value 229.0
smarty/pwr_delivered/value 00.942
smarty/pwr_returned/value 00.000
smarty/react_energy_delivered_tariff1/value 000012.757
smarty/react_energy_returned_tariff1/value 006148.356
smarty/react_pwr_delivered/value 00.000
smarty/react_pwr_q_minus_l1/value 00.000
smarty/react_pwr_q_minus_l2/value 00.000
smarty/react_pwr_q_minus_l3/value 00.000
smarty/react_pwr_q_plus_l1/value 00.000
smarty/react_pwr_q_plus_l2/value 00.000
smarty/react_pwr_q_plus_l3/value 00.000
smarty/react_pwr_returned/value 00.000
smarty/timestamp/value 200423122938S
to include/smarty_user_config.h
and adjust it to your needs (WiFi settings, decription key, MQTT server).