shaack / cm-web-modules

Collection of clean and small ES6 modules for the web
MIT License
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chessmail es6 javascript released

cm-web-modules – Library of ES6 Web Modules

cm-web-modules is a library of JavaScript ES6 (ECMAScript 6) modules, used for coding chessmail.

The main purpose of cm-web-modules is, to prevent the usage of large libraries, and to provide needed functionality with the smallest and cleanest amount of code possible.

The cm-web-modules modules have no external dependencies, they don't use jQuery or other frameworks. They are written with modern vanilla JavaScript in ECMAScript 6 syntax.

The cm-web-modules modules are:



Module for the Web Audio API. For playing audio samples in a web page.


Cache data on client site.


Module to read, write and delete cookies.


Module to handle the internationalisation of frontend text.

const i18n = new I18n(props)

default props:

this.props = {
    locale: null,
    fallbackLang: "en" // used, when the translation was not found for locale

load language files:

i18n.load("translations.json").then(() => {
    // do this after loading

where the json file has the form

  "de": {
    "start_game": "Ein neues Spiel starten",
    "undo_move": "Zug zurück nehmen"
  "en": {
    "start_game": "Start a new game",
    "undo_move": "Undo move"

or directly add the translations in your js code

    de: {
        "0_starts_game": "$0 startet ein neues Spiel",
        "undo_move": "Zug zurück nehmen"
    en: {
        "0_starts_game": "$0 starts a new game",
        "undo_move": "Undo move"

Use placeholder $n [0-9] to replace them when using.

To handle the translations in your frontend code use

i18n.t("0_starts_game", ["John Doe"])

to render the needed text in the needed language. You can specify the language in the props when calling new or it uses the browser preferences.



Module to observe object properties used for reactive coding the simple way.


const stopwatch = new Stopwatch({
    onStateChanged: (running) => {
        stateOutput.innerText = running
    onTimeChanged: (seconds) => {
        secondsOutput.innerText = seconds.toFixed(1)
buttonStart.addEventListener("click", () => {
buttonStop.addEventListener("click", () => {
buttonReset.addEventListener("click", () => {


Module to render SVG elements and load sprites.



ArrayUtils, ColorUtils, CoreUtils, DateUtils, DomUtils, EncryptionUtils, EventUtils, TextUtils


The LibraryManager is the glue between the web-modules.

It is configured in postinstall.js. Add postinstall.js to the automtically excuted install-scripts from npm by adding it to package.json like this


"scripts": {
    "test": "mocha --require babel-core/register ./test/*.js",
    "postinstall": "node postinstall.js"

In postinstall.js, add the used modules via manager.addProject("module-name")

The source of the module is then copied to PROJECT_ROOT/lib/modules/name. It provides the same include-folder (/lib) for the local and for the via npm installed modules.

You must call npm install after every npm update, because it is only automatically started by the initial install.

Example postinstall.js

const LibraryManager = require("cm-web-modules/src/LibraryManager.js")
const manager = new LibraryManager(__dirname)

manager.addProject("chess.js", "", "chess.js")