shababo / plotreader

Use LLMs to generate and read plots. Combine them into a teacher-student pair to improve performance.
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Use LLMs to generate and read plots. Combine them into a teacher-student pair to improve performance.


Build a tool that can aggregate information from scientific figures into structured data. For example, extract the functional properities of different variants of opsins - both natual and engineered.



Design an agent that can take in a paper and extract the quantitative results into structured data.


Design an agent that takes in a data scenario and paper/figure examples and then outputs structured data, the data plotted into a figure, and several quantitative questions about the figure with difficulty rankings.

Curriculum Design

For now, I'm prototyping independent plot readers and generators, but the original idea was to combine the reader and generator into an RL training loop with the reader as student and the generator as teacher.


Plot Reading

Input Figure (from Machine learning-guided channelrhodopsin engineering enables minimally invasive optogenetics ):


Step 1: Extract experiments from figure.


prompt = "For each plot in each panel determine the experiment in terms of independent variables (IVs) and dependent variable (DV)."

Structured Output:

Panel: a
    Plot: Current traces
        independent_variables=['Time', 'ChR variant'] dependent_variables=['Current']
Panel: b
    Plot: Photocurrent strength with different wavelength excitation
        independent_variables=['ChR variant', 'Wavelength', 'Current type (Peak/Steady state)'] dependent_variables=['Photocurrent']
Panel: c
    Plot: Off-kinetics decay time
        independent_variables=['ChR variant'] dependent_variables=['Off-kinetics decay time (τoff)']
    Plot: Current traces for select variants
        independent_variables=['Time', 'ChR variant'] dependent_variables=['Current']
Panel: d
    Plot: Wavelength sensitivity
        independent_variables=['Wavelength', 'ChR variant'] dependent_variables=['Normalized photocurrent']
Panel: e
    Plot: Peak photocurrent vs Intensity
        independent_variables=['Light intensity', 'ChR variant'] dependent_variables=['Peak photocurrent']
    Plot: Steady-state photocurrent vs Intensity
        independent_variables=['Light intensity', 'ChR variant'] dependent_variables=['Steady-state photocurrent']

Step 2: Extract values for independent and dependent variables from a single plot


prompt = """In Panel {panel_name}, plot number {plot_ind}, what values are taken by the independent variable {ind_var_name}?
If the variable is not quantitative (like an image), only set the name field of IndependentVariable.
Return your answer as structured data.
    panel_name = figure.panels[panel_ind].name, 
    ind_var_name = iv
prompt = """In Panel {panel_name}, plot number {plot_ind}, what statistics used to quantify the deependant variable {dep_var_name} like mean or SEM?
If the variable is not quantitative (like an image), only set the name field of DependentVariable.
Return your answer as structured data.
    panel_name = figure.panels[panel_ind].name, 
    dep_var_name = dv

Structured Output:

The values for Wavelength are not correct. Hoping to resolve this by allowing RAG over full paper.

Panel d, Independent Vars:
name='Wavelength' values=[400, 450, 500, 550, 600, 650] unit='nm'
name='ChR variant' values=['ChRger1', 'ChRger2', 'ChRger3', 'ChR_25_9', 'ChR_15_10', 'CsChrimR', 'ChRiff'] unit='None'
Panel d, Dependent Vars:
name='Normalized photocurrent' statistics=['mean', 's.e.m.'] unit='None'

Step 3: Extract dependent variable statistics for each condition


columns = { pd.Series() for iv in ind_vars}
columns.update({ pd.Series()})
df = pd.DataFrame(columns)

prompt = """In Panel {panel_name}, what are the values of the {dep_var_stat} for the dependent variable {dep_var_name}?
If the variable is not quantitative (like an image), only set the name field of IndependentVariable.
Get the value for each condition. To help, here are the values the independent variable takes:
The column schema is the following: {schema}.
    panel_name = figure.panels[panel_ind].name, 
    dep_var_stat = dv.statistics[0],
    dep_var_name =,
    ind_vars = ind_vars,
    schema = ", ".join(df.columns),
Structured Output: FIELD1 Wavelength ChR variant Normalized photocurrent
0 400 ChRiff 0.65
1 450 ChRiff 0.95
2 500 ChRiff 1.0
3 550 ChRiff 0.95
4 600 ChRiff 0.65
5 650 ChRiff 0.55
6 400 CsChrimR 0.5
7 450 CsChrimR 0.75
8 500 CsChrimR 1.0
9 550 CsChrimR 0.95
10 600 CsChrimR 0.6
11 650 CsChrimR 0.5
12 400 C1C2 0.45
13 450 C1C2 0.7
14 500 C1C2 0.95
15 550 C1C2 1.0
16 600 C1C2 0.65
17 650 C1C2 0.55
18 400 28_10 0.9
19 450 28_10 1.0
20 500 28_10 0.85
21 550 28_10 0.45
22 600 28_10 0.05
23 650 28_10 0.0
24 400 11_10 0.7
25 450 11_10 1.0
26 500 11_10 0.8
27 550 11_10 0.2
28 600 11_10 0.05
29 650 11_10 0.0
30 400 25_9 0.95
31 450 25_9 1.0
32 500 25_9 0.8
33 550 25_9 0.5
34 600 25_9 0.05
35 650 25_9 0.0

Plotting extracted data:

Note: colors were not extracted and so not matched. Not a perfect result - some of this may come from incorrectly extracting the Wavelength values.

Extracted Source
plot plot

Plot Generation


Prompt with both text and example figures.

generator = PlotGenerator(
        storage_dir = "~/dev/plotreader/storage", 

    data_scenario = (
        "Scientists are desigining new opsins by mutating existing ones. " +
        "They then measure the currents produced when exciting with different wavelengths of light. " + 
        "They plot comparisons of the different mutants and wild-type as function of these wavelengths."

Two of the example figures it was given (from Machine learning-guided channelrhodopsin engineering enables minimally invasive optogenetics).

Example 1 Example 2
plot plot


Generated Figures
Example 1 Example 2
plot plot
Generated Questions (with Output Figure Example 1)

The questions were saved into a .json file

    "difficulty": "Easy",
    "question": "Which opsin variant shows the highest peak photocurrent at the higher light intensity (0.8 mW mm^-2)?",
    "answer": "ChRger1 shows the highest peak photocurrent at the higher light intensity, with a value of approximately 1500 pA."
    "difficulty": "Medium",
    "question": "Comparing ChR2 and ChRger3, what is the approximate percentage increase in peak photocurrent at the lower light intensity (8 \u00d7 10^-3 mW mm^-2)?",
    "answer": "At the lower light intensity, ChR2 has a peak photocurrent of about 100 pA, while ChRger3 has a peak photocurrent of about 600 pA. The percentage increase is approximately (600 - 100) / 100 * 100 = 500%. ChRger3 shows a 500% increase in peak photocurrent compared to ChR2 at the lower light intensity."
    "difficulty": "Hard",
    "question": "Based on the spectral sensitivity plot, at which wavelength does the difference in normalized photocurrent between ChRger3 and ChR2 appear to be the greatest, and what is the approximate magnitude of this difference?",
    "answer": "The difference in normalized photocurrent between ChRger3 and ChR2 appears to be greatest at around 480-490 nm. At this point, ChRger3 has a normalized photocurrent of about 0.75, while ChR2 has a normalized photocurrent of about 0.55. The magnitude of the difference is approximately 0.75 - 0.55 = 0.2, or a 20% difference in normalized photocurrent."
Generated Data (with Output Figure Example 1)

Three .csv files were generated that contain the data used to create the figure.

Light intensity response: Opsin Light Intensity (mW mm^-2) Peak Photocurrent (pA)
ChR2 0.008 100
ChR2 0.8 400
CoChR 0.008 200
CoChR 0.8 900
ChRger1 0.008 850
ChRger1 0.8 1500
ChRger2 0.008 600
ChRger2 0.8 1400
ChRger3 0.008 600
ChRger3 0.8 1300
Kinetic estimates: Opsin τoff (ms)
ChR2 30
CheRiff 40
C1C2 60
ChRger1 25
ChRger2 35
ChRger3 45
Spectral Senitivity: Wavelength (nm) Opsin Normalized Photocurrent
400 ChR2 0.036150690739091766
405 ChR2 0.05259894465789624
410 ChR2 0.07443440578013699
415 ChR2 0.1024487550337355
420 ChR2 0.13714371482751292
425 ChR2 0.17855885704709237
430 ChR2 0.22611175977895312
435 ChR2 0.27848458915645535
440 ChR2 0.3335918628419484
445 ChR2 0.38865655282174394
450 ChR2 0.4404055716042445
455 ChR2 0.48537329642152754
460 ChR2 0.520277707898721
465 ChR2 0.542413914209154
470 ChR2 0.55
475 ChR2 0.542413914209154
480 ChR2 0.520277707898721
485 ChR2 0.48537329642152754
490 ChR2 0.4404055716042445
495 ChR2 0.38865655282174394
500 ChR2 0.3335918628419484
505 ChR2 0.27848458915645535
510 ChR2 0.22611175977895312
515 ChR2 0.17855885704709237
520 ChR2 0.13714371482751292
525 ChR2 0.1024487550337355
530 ChR2 0.07443440578013699
535 ChR2 0.05259894465789624
540 ChR2 0.036150690739091766
545 ChR2 0.024165313492874083
550 ChR2 0.01571102543150271
555 ChR2 0.009934657380879702
560 ChR2 0.006109948096033269
565 ChR2 0.003654756205507769
570 ChR2 0.002126256076710044
575 ChR2 0.001203120115000587
580 ChR2 0.0006621229971555117
585 ChR2 0.0003544089013127345
590 ChR2 0.00018450444534638154
595 ChR2 9.342117210877588e-05
600 ChR2 4.6006590976350145e-05
400 CoChR 0.03668482568419145
405 CoChR 0.05033444988644888
410 CoChR 0.06766764161830635
415 CoChR 0.08913198979252396
420 CoChR 0.11503314949690453
425 CoChR 0.1454619035230741
430 CoChR 0.1802238942989105
435 CoChR 0.2187823688501346
440 CoChR 0.26022506051035105
445 CoChR 0.3032653298563167
450 CoChR 0.34628466210259884
455 CoChR 0.3874187144416247
460 CoChR 0.4246829082841562
465 CoChR 0.4561270384142726
470 CoChR 0.48000272064273886
475 CoChR 0.4949239016893669
480 CoChR 0.5
485 CoChR 0.4949239016893669
490 CoChR 0.48000272064273886
495 CoChR 0.4561270384142726
500 CoChR 0.4246829082841562
505 CoChR 0.3874187144416247
510 CoChR 0.34628466210259884
515 CoChR 0.3032653298563167
520 CoChR 0.26022506051035105
525 CoChR 0.2187823688501346
530 CoChR 0.1802238942989105
535 CoChR 0.1454619035230741
540 CoChR 0.11503314949690453
545 CoChR 0.08913198979252396
550 CoChR 0.06766764161830635
555 CoChR 0.05033444988644888
560 CoChR 0.03668482568419145
565 CoChR 0.02619657053491279
570 CoChR 0.018329020976689005
575 CoChR 0.012565244492637209
580 CoChR 0.008439942074394954
585 CoChR 0.005554498269121153
590 CoChR 0.0035816822354596085
595 CoChR 0.0022629039333833595
600 CoChR 0.0014008190174242421
400 ChRger3 0.10150146242745953
405 ChRger3 0.1293162179203146
410 ChRger3 0.1621988751224155
415 ChRger3 0.2002888764197575
420 ChRger3 0.2434893505187623
425 ChRger3 0.2914185956342731
430 ChRger3 0.3433750213287107
435 ChRger3 0.3983219932765089
440 ChRger3 0.45489799478447507
445 ChRger3 0.5114555633927611
450 ChRger3 0.5661297014917555
455 ChRger3 0.6169331717989985
460 ChRger3 0.6618726769384466
465 ChRger3 0.6990768692696456
470 ChRger3 0.7269249258572581
475 ChRger3 0.7441634536951827
480 ChRger3 0.75
485 ChRger3 0.7441634536951827
490 ChRger3 0.7269249258572581
495 ChRger3 0.6990768692696456
500 ChRger3 0.6618726769384466
505 ChRger3 0.6169331717989985
510 ChRger3 0.5661297014917555
515 ChRger3 0.5114555633927611
520 ChRger3 0.45489799478447507
525 ChRger3 0.3983219932765089
530 ChRger3 0.3433750213287107
535 ChRger3 0.2914185956342731
540 ChRger3 0.2434893505187623
545 ChRger3 0.2002888764197575
550 ChRger3 0.1621988751224155
555 ChRger3 0.1293162179203146
560 ChRger3 0.10150146242745953
565 ChRger3 0.07843425096675109
570 ChRger3 0.05966963153867076
575 ChRger3 0.044690489071489564
580 ChRger3 0.032952700217555565
585 ChRger3 0.023921095021617825
590 ChRger3 0.017095635662709257
595 ChRger3 0.012028281956512912
600 ChRger3 0.008331747403681729