shabble / irssi-scripts

Repo to store some personal irssi scripts
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Shabble's Irssi Scripts

This repository contains a collection of scripts and things I have written or adapted from others to improve my (and maybe your!) Irssi using experience.

Important Note: Some of these scripts might be outdated, and newer & better versions available elsewhere on the interwebs. I suggest checking first to ensure they haven't already superceded some of these (pretty old) scripts.

Please /msg shabble on Freenode if there's something here that you maintain that you'd prefer I didn't keep hosted here.

What's In Here

I never thought I'd end up writing so many scripts, so rather than give them each their own repository as might be sensible, they're all stuffed in here.

The following is a brief list of the interesting scripts, and why you might want to use them.


If you are here looking for my Irssi scripting documentation, please note that it has been moved to

Other Things

Many of my scripts require uberprompt as a dependency. Those that do will say so in the comments at the top of the file, and will probably refuse to load without it.

Reminders for myself

Not for public consumption. This section contains text known to the State of California to cause madness, rabies, or reproductive harm.

Todo Lists

I should really put these into the issue tracker instead. That can be a reminder. I'll go create an issue for it Right Now!

Script ideas

Other things

Documentation Wiki

You know, that one.

Deployment Process