shabegom / buttons

Buttons in Obsidian
The Unlicense
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2022 Buttons Survey #102

Closed shabegom closed 1 year ago

shabegom commented 2 years ago

2022 Buttons User Survey

I'm hard at work on the next major version of Buttons 🔘. This version is going to have some breaking changes and I'm considering removing features that feel like bloat/don't work great. Before I do anything drastic, I want to get feedback from the community. If you are a Buttons user (Buttoneer) please take a moment to fill out this survey:

I'd appreciate anyone who shares this out so that I can get as many Buttoneer responses as possible.

The next version is well underway and already includes some cool stuff like much better handling of Templater commands inside of Buttons. Make your voice heard on what else you'd like to see by completing the survey: