shabegom / buttons

Buttons in Obsidian
The Unlicense
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Obsidian Buttons

Run commands and open links by clicking on ✨ Buttons ✨

What are you doing here? Don't use this! Use the amazing Meta Bind plugin instead.

This plugin is seeking people to maintain it. Reply to this issue if you're interested

last updated: February 9th, 2024

0.5.1 - fixed all those templater issues

0.5.0 Holy shit, look at all these awesome people that helped improve Buttons!


You can find Buttons in the list of community plugins!


The quickest way to get started with Buttons is to use the Button Maker. You can open the Button Maker from the Command Palette. Here is an overview of the Button Maker options.

Button Block ID

The button-block-id is a block-id placed direcly below a Button codeblock and starts with button, e.g. ^button-id. Button-block-ids can be used to:

Inline Buttons

Inline Buttons can be created inline with other text, or other Buttons. An Inline Button is essentially a copy of an existing Button codeblock placed inline. To create an inline button:

  1. Create a regular Button using the Button Maker or hand-written Button codeblock.
  2. Ensure your Button has a unique button-block-id.
  3. Go to the note you want an inline Button and run the Insert Inline Button Command, or write the button-block-id between backticks, e.g. button-id.

Inline Buttons must start with button, whereas other usages of the button-block-id only require the id.

Swap Button

A Swap Button is a special type of Inline Button. When you click a Swap Button it cycles through multiple other Buttons. Use a Swap Button to run a succession of actions with one Button. To Create a Swap Button:

  1. Create Buttons that perform the actions you want the Swap Button to do. Ensure each button has a unique button-block-id.
  2. Create a Swap Button and supply the button-block-id of the other buttons, e.g. swap [id1, id2, id3]. Ensure the Swap Button has a unique button-block-id.
  3. Insert the Swap Button as an Inline Button using the Insert Inline Button Command.

Swap Buttons can currently only be used as Inline Buttons.

Inherit Button Args

If you are using the same (or similar) Buttons across many notes, you can create one parent Button and have other Buttons inherit from the parent.

  1. Create a Parent Button with the arguments you'd like to be inherited. Ensure the Parent Button has a unique button-block-id.
  2. Create Child Buttons and supply the Parent Button button-block-id id parentButton.

Child Buttons can also have their own arguments. Any argument supplied on the Child supersedes arguments from the Parent Button.

Templater Button

The Templater arg allows you to supply a Templater command inside the Button. The command is converted to its value when the Button is clicked and then converted back to the Templater Command for the next click. This is best used with the New Note Button type.

A button with this command…

name Make an Hourly Note
type note(<%"HH:MM") %>) template
action Log Template Note
templater true

…will convert when clicked to:

name Make an Hourly Note
type note(16:20) template
action Log Template Note
templater true

And then 09 will change back to <%"HH:MM") %>.

The Templater arg also works with the Text Button type:

name Add Current Time
type line(1) text
action <%"HH:mm:ss") %>
replace [1,1]
templater true

This will insert the current time on line one of the note, replacing any existing text on that line and then convert back to the Templater command for future use.

Button Styling

Style Settings

Install the Style Settings plugin for an easy way to change the default Button styling.

Custom Class

If you want a truly custom style, or want Buttons with multiple different styles, you can add a class argument in a Button and use a css snippet to style it.

Remove Button after command execution

If you have a Button that only needs to run once and then can be removed from a note (handy for inserting prompts into a Daily Note) you can add a remove true argument to your Button.

If you have multiple Buttons in a note and want to remove them all when a Button is clicked, you can supply an array of button-block-ids to the remove argument, e.g. remove [id1, id2, id3].

Replace content in section

When using an Append or Prepend Template Button, you may want to remove lines from the existing note which will be replaced by the Template. To do this, write a replace argument and supply the first line and last line in an array; e.g. replace [1, 5] will remove lines 1 through 5.


Command Button

Open the previous day's daily note using the Periodic Notes Plugin:

name Open Previous Daily Note
type command
action Periodic Notes: Open previous daily note

Turn spellcheck on/off:

name Toggle spellcheck
type comand
action Toggle spellcheck
color blue

Link Button

Open the Obsidian Forum:

name To the Forum Batman!
type link

Template & Line Button


Append a Log Template Note:

name Log
type append template
action Hourly Log Template Note

Append the current time:

name Log
type append text
action <%"HH:mm") %>
templater true

Prepend Template

Replace a Weather Template Note with the updated Weather:

name Current Weather
type prepend template
action Weather Template Note
replace [1,5]

Prepend a weekly todo list and remove other buttons:

name Monday List
type prepend template
action Monday Template Note
remove [mon,tues,wed]

name Tuesday List
type prepend template
action Tuesday Template Note
remove [mon,tues,wed]

name Wednesday List
type prepend template
action Wednesday Template Note
remove [mon,tues,wed]

Even better, set up those buttons and then add them all on one line as Inline Buttons:

`button-mon` `button-tues` `button-wed`

Add Template at Line

Say you want the weather to appear at a specific place in your note that isn't directly beside the button:

name Current Weather
type line(1) template
action Weather Template Note
replace [1,5]

New Note From Template

Create a new note in a new split pane for an upcoming meeting based on a Meeting Note Template:

name New Meeting
type note(Meeting, split) template
action Meeting Note Template

Dynamically add the hour and minute to the note title and open as a new tab:

name New Meeting
type note(Meeting-<"HH-MM") %>, tab) note
action Meeting Note Template
templater true

Calculate Button

Do some simple math:

name Add Em Up
type calculate
action 2+2

Reference numbers outside of the Button:

Bananas Have: 5  
Bananas Lost: 5

name How Many Bananas Today?
type calculate
action $1-$2
color yellow

Natural Language Math:

5 dogs plus 2 cats divided by 2 people

name Who Get The Pets?
type calculate
action $1
class sad-button

The calculate button uses math-expression-evaluator, so it should support any symbol supported by that library.

Swap Buttons

Let's create a Swap Button using the button-block-id of previous Buttons:

name Crazy Swap Button
swap [add,meeting,forum]

Then insert that button inline:

  1. On the first click of Crazy Swap Button we will add 2+2.
  2. On the second click of Crazy Swap Button we will create a new Meeting note.
  3. On the third click of the Crazy Swap Button we will go to the Obsidian forum.

Note: swap count is reset if you close the note.















0.2.3: Calculate button type

0.2.2: Remove logging

0.2.1: Styling update

0.2.0: Add replace argument and note() template feature

0.1.1: Released to Community Plugins!

0.1.0: Add template feature

0.0.5: Add remove feature

0.0.4: Updated Styling

This release includes a breaking change from the previous release (0.0.3)

0.0.3: Add customId argument

0.0.2: Add customClass argument

0.0.1: Initial Release